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IDB to Promote Early Childhood Development Strategies

IDB President and First Lady of Colombia to host debate on strategies to guarantee social protection, education, nutrition and health for children

Luis Alberto Moreno, President of the Inter-American Development Bank, and Maria Clemencia Rodriguez de Santos, First Lady of Colombia, will lead a panel discussion on Early Childhood Development issues in Latin America and the Caribbean at IDB headquarters in Washington, DC, on June 29.

The event will center on a presentation of Colombia’s new Integrated Care Strategy for Early Childhood Development, known as “De Cero a Siempre,” and a discussion of its purpose, challenges, priorities and needs for support.

Sri Mulyani Indrawti, Managing Director of the World Bank, Soledad Arellano, Under Secretary of the Ministry of Planning of Chile, Mauricio León Guzman, Deputy Minister of Social Development of Ecuador, will participate as guest speakers in the event. Arellano and León Guzman will speak about their country’s integrated early childhood development programs.

The event is open to the public, but reservations are required as the space is limited. Interpretation services in English and Spanish will be provided. The webcast of the event will be available in Spanish. 


Panel discussion on “De Cero a Siempre,” and stragegies for integrated early childhood development in Latin America and the Caribbean




Enrique Iglesias Auditorium, 1330 New York Avenue, NW, Washington, D.C.




Wednesday, June 29, 3:00 p.m. to 5 p.m.




Luis Alberto Moreno, President of the Inter-American Development Bank

Maria Clemencia Rodriguez de Santos, First Lady of Colombia

Sri Mulyani Indrawti, Managing Director of the World Bank,

Soledad Arellano, Under Secretary of the Ministry of Planningof Chile

Mauricio León Guzman, Deputy Minister of Social Development of Ecuador


For press registration, please contact Mildred Rivera, (202) 623-2319,


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