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IDB Presents INDES 2001-2002 prize for programs in Dominican Republic

The Inter-American Development Bank has awarded the Prize of the Inter-American Institute for Social Development (INDES) in the Dominican Republic to four projects recognized for both innovation and management quality.

The projects, which serve as models for innovation and sound management, are flexible and designed and carried out with integrated strategies in which citizens affected by the programs participate. The winning projects were presented in a session at IDB headquarters in Washington, D.C.

Selecting the prize winners

More than 60 public sector and civil society projects competed for the prize in the Dominican Republic. The number was reduced to 14 after a rigorous process of self-evaluation assisted by the institute’s faculty and graduates of its social management program.

The four winners were chosen by a jury composed of experts from the INDES and IDB representatives in the country; and INDES graduates.

Category: Initiatives for vulnerable groups.
"Expanding Health Services of Bellas Colinas," Santo Domingo
Centro de Planificación y Acción Ecuménica,
This project is a model for decentralized self-management in the provision of integrated health services as a basis for social transformation. The initiative is based on community demands and the maximum use of scarce human and financial resources. It has resulted in greater consciousness by the population of steps that can be taken for prevention and self-care.

Category: Generation of employment and income
"Agroforestry Development of the Jamao River Basin," Moca
Asociación de Desarrollo para la Provincia de Espaillat
This project, developed by civil society, transformed a community that was losing wage earners into an area that attracts population by offering new opportunities for community development, agroforestry, and nontraditional activities such as apiculture. High productivity and income-generating projects were made possible by establishing strategic alliances among the private sector, civil society, and the public sector. A shared vision on raising living standards enhanced consciousness for the need to protect the Jamao River Basin.

Category: Education and Culture
"Program for Provincial Development of Puerto Plata"
Foro Social de Puerto Plata
Civil society in Puerto Plata has established a mechanism for community participation, the Social Forum, which articulates needs through networks in areas that were deficient in services such as health, education, and production. Strategic planning enables the program it to attract financial resources, and the organizations it has created establish and manage projects on their own.

Category: Health, social security and food
"Juan XXIII Model Program",
Centro de Atención Primaria Juan XXIII
Based on a model of quality care and community co-managment, this program achieved a drastic reduction in diseases that can be prevented by immunization. It provides diverse sources of financing, invests in preventive education and in the management of a reference system.

The following programs were awarded special mentions:

-"Building Citizenship and Strengthening Democracy,"
Forums for municipal participation of Centro Juan Montalvo, Santo Domingo.

-"Transparency in Financial Management and the Relationship with Third Parties,"
Programa de construcción de aljibes familiares, PROLINO, Northeast Region.

-"Strategic Planning," Technical Services to Support Rural Organizations, San Juan de la Maguana, Aleph.

The Inter-American Institute for Social Development was created by the IDB in Washington, D.C., in 1994, to train public sector and civil society professionals in the design and formulation of social policies and in effective social sector management to promote the economic and social development of Latin America and the Caribbean.

In addition to offering courses at IDB headquarters in Washington, INDES works with governments and agencies to define national programs, as it has done in Argentina, Brazil, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Honduras, Nicaragua and Paraguay. It also offers special programs for news media personnel, legislators, and youth.

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