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IDB launches second phase of consultations on Environmental and Social Policy Framework

The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) is launching a second and final phase of public consultations for its new Environmental and Social Policy Framework on July 6, 2020 and invites all interested stakeholders to examine and comment on the revised draft of this policy framework proposal.

The proposal builds on the first phase of open, transparent, and inclusive public consultations held over a period of 120 days. As a result of the 13 face-to-face and 3 virtual meetings held in Latin America, the Caribbean, Europe, Asia, and the United States, and via virtual channels of communication established for the consultation process, numerous comments were received from government agencies, civil society groups, international organizations, representatives of indigenous communities, and other stakeholders from all IDB borrowing and nonborrowing member countries.

Based on the input received, the IDB made a number of improvements to the first draft of the policy framework, which was approved by its Board of Executive Directors on December 18, 2019. These include: (i) greater clarification of the IDB’s commitment to sustainable development and its role and responsibilities throughout the project life cycle; (ii) a list of exclusions that is consistent with the IDB’s environmental and social sustainability objectives; (iii) strengthened provisions in the areas of human rights, vulnerable groups, Afro-descendants, and indigenous populations; (iv) the addition of pandemic‑related risks; (v) an explicit reference to the Escazú Agreement and other international treaties, as well as greater harmonization with more recent conventions of the International Labour Organization, especially those related to workplace health and safety; and (vi) clearer language regarding sexual and gender‑based violence. This new version was also revised by the External Advisory Panel of Experts, which offered additional recommendations to further strengthen the proposal.

The reports issued in the first phase of consultations, together with the report of the External Advisory Panel of Experts, Management’s comments on these reports, and other documents of interest, are available on the IDB website for the modernization of its environmental and social policies.

Approved by the IDB Board of Executive Directors, the revised draft of the Environmental and Social Policy Framework is available in the Bank’s four official languages. Anyone who would like to send comments on the framework may do so through August 5, 2020, by writing to or returning the form provided on the website. Once this phase has closed, the IDB will consider the comments received and prepare a final draft of the proposal for approval by its Board of Executive Directors.

About the IDB

The Inter-American Development Bank's mission is to improve lives. Founded in 1959, the IDB is one of the main sources of long-term financing for the economic, social, and institutional development of Latin America and the Caribbean. The IDB also conducts cutting-edge research projects and offers policy advice, technical assistance, and training to public and private clients throughout the region.


Turner,Taos Lee

Turner,Taos Lee
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Roberto Manrique

Roberto Manrique
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