- In its fourth edition, the call for proposals will be virtual and will be open until june 18, 2021.
The yearly Superheroes of Development award will once again recognize the executing agencies, borrowers or clients of projects financed by the IDB Group (which includes the Inter-American Development Bank, IDB Invest and IDB Lab) that have successfully addressed different challenges in their implementation. The contest will identify executing agencies and clients throughout Latin America and the Caribbean, who will have the opportunity to virtually present their solutions to a panel of IDB experts.
The winners will be invited to join the President of the IDB, Mauricio Claver-Carone in an online event where they will be able to share their lessons learned throughout Latin America and the Caribbean. They will also have the certification fees waived for two IDB-certified courses.
This call for proposals is part of an effort to improve the performance of IDB Group-financed projects through systematic learning and knowledge sharing. All executing agencies, borrowers, or clients that have carried out operations co-financed by the IDB, IDB Invest, and IDB Lab through sovereign and private sector loans which are in execution can participate in the contest.
The award recognizes clients in two categories:
• Category 1: Executing agencies and clients that have successfully addressed challenges in the execution of projects, in order to share the lessons learned from their experience.
• Category 2: Executing agencies and clients that have successfully met their development objectives.
To participate in this contest, all interested agencies, borrowers or clients should complete the online form available on the Superheroes of Development page. The IDB Group will share the winning stories throughout the Latin American and Caribbean region in order to contribute to knowledge sharing for the preparation of future operations and in the projects that are in execution.
For more information, visit https://convocatorias.iadb.org/en/superheroes
About the IDB Group
The IDB Group is the leading source of development finance for Latin America and the Caribbean. It helps to improve lives by providing financial solutions and development expertise to public- and private-sector clients. The Group comprises the IDB, which has worked with governments for more than 60 years; IDB Invest, which serves the private sector; and IDB Lab, which tests innovative ways to enable more inclusive growth. Access our virtual tour.

Zepeda Palomo,David Alejandro

Garcia Ferro,Luz Angela