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IDB Group Launches Broad Public Consultation Process to Draft New Institutional Strategy

Today the IDB Group opened a public consultation process to gather inputs from stakeholders for the preparation of its new Institutional Strategy. This document sets the basic strategic direction of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), IDB Invest and IDB Lab as they work to support the economic and social development of Latin America and the Caribbean.

The consultation process involves face-to-face and virtual consultations with government, private sector, and civil society representatives from the IDB Group’s 26 borrowing member countries, as well as international stakeholders. The IDB Group will also carry out an online consultation open to anyone interested in the region's development. The consultation process runs through August 2023.

During the IDB’s Annual Meeting in Panama in March, the Governors reaffirmed the importance of developing a new strategy to strengthen coordination within the IDB Group and define its future work in key areas.

The strategy will align with the Sustainable Development Goals, and it is set to be approved at the next Annual Meeting of the IDB in 2024. It is expected to apply through 2030. The current strategy was approved in 2019.

The new strategy aims to transform the IDB Group in order to address today's unprecedented challenges, preempt emerging challenges, and achieve greater impact in the region’s countries.

For more information, contact us at Public Consultations

About the IDB Group

The IDB Group is the leading source of development financing for Latin America and the Caribbean. We contribute to improving lives by providing financial solutions and development expertise to public- and private-sector clients. The Group comprises the IDB, which has worked with governments for more than 60 years; IDB Invest, which serves the private sector; and IDB Lab, which tests innovative ways to enable more inclusive growth. Take our virtual tour


Funez Trejo,Angela Maria

Funez Trejo,Angela Maria
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