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IDB approves US$960,000 to help strengthening of the provision of electricity service in non-interconnected areas (ZNI’s) in Colombia

The Inter-American Development Bank announced today the approval of a US$960,000 grant through the Japanese Fund for Consultancy Services for the strengthening of the provision of electricity service in non-interconnected areas (ZNI’s) in Colombia.

The project will contribute to the expansion of the electricity service provision in the ZNI’s of the Pacific Region in Colombia, including the departments of Choco, Valle del Cauca, Cauca and Nariño; identify the alternatives for power supply to San Andres and Providencia Islands and support the awarding of concessions of energy services at the Non Interconnected Areas (ZNIs) to the specialized sector.

The project will be executed in close coordination with the Instituto de Planificación de Soluciones Energéticas (IPSE), which is in charged of the execution of the energy projects from conventional sources and non conventional sources, including renewable energy, such as solar and small hydro power developments in the ZNI’s. IPSE also elaborates plans, programs and projects of power infrastructure for these areas. Local counterpart funds provided by IPSE will total US$240,000.

The Japanese Trust Fund for Consultancy Services (JCF) was established by the government of Japan in 1995 and promotes cooperation and knowledge transfer from Japan by utilizing Japanese Consultancy expertise. The JCF has become the largest of the funds established within the technical cooperation funds program managed by the IDB.

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