The Inter-American Development Bank announced today the approval of a US$50 million loan to support Phase I of the Lima Water and Sewer Utility Company (SEDAPAL) Water For All Program.
SEDAPAL Water for All – Phase I program will benefit the outlying urban areas of Lima, extending water and sanitation service coverage and improving infrastructure in support of the government’s strategy to attain universal coverage. SEDAPAL will carry out the program over a five-year period, delivering potable water to some 49,000 beneficiary families, and sewer service to some 57,000 families, in the poorest areas of Metropolitan Lima.
This loan specifically finances three projects, Sargento Lorentz, Amauta Valley and Carabayllo integral system, which will directly benefit 284,000 people. “Indirect benefits include, decrease in waterborne diseases, promotion of urban development, generation of employment and liberation of financial resources for poor families through access to lower-cost water service,” said IDB project team leader Yvon Mellinger.
The program will help attain the millennium targets, extending and improving access to water and sewer service for poor neighborhoods in Lima’s metropolitan area, thus contributing to the IDB “Water and Sanitation Initiative”.
The program is built around end results, using the Performance Driven Loan modality. It also includes the use of non-traditional, cost-efficient technical solutions and incorporates an important component of social communication.