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IDB approves $ 3.84 million loan for coastal zone management master plan in Bahamas

The Inter-American Development Bank announced today the approval of a $3.84 million loan to establish the national coordination and planning process for the preparation of an Integrated Coastal Zone Management Master Plan for Bahamas.

Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) is a broad, multi-purpose approach aimed at improving the quality of life of communities dependent on coastal resources and helping coastal areas attain sustainable development.

The ICZM approach combines participatory processes and diverse planning and implementation techniques to achieve a balance between different coastal uses aimed at improving living conditions, safeguarding property and protecting coastal ecosystems.

ICZM is of particular relevance for The Commonwealth of The Bahamas, an archipelago of more than 700 islands, in which tourism, fishing, marine transportation and related sectors are essential components of the economy.

This 20-year loan will be executed by the Ministry of Energy and Environment of The Bahamas.

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