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Expediting trade flows

The Aid-for-Trade Initiative provides countries with the latest technologies to streamline trade requirements, save costs and time, and improve overall trade performance

In the new global and regional economic structure, trade facilitation has strategic importance, particularly regarding the impact of time and efficiency on international trade.

Many Latin American and Caribbean countries have seen their competitiveness and trading capacity diminished by issues such as lengthy document preparation times, redundant paperwork, lack of coordination between agencies, and users’ limited access to relevant document information.

Image removed.Given the importance of information and communication technologies on the Aid-for-Trade agenda, the IDB has provided technical and financial support to help countries establish single-window systems in order to enhance trade and economic integration.

Single windows streamline trade requirements by serving as a single entry point for all export, import, and transit-related transactions. They increase transparency, promote private sector compliance and improve revenue flows, contributing to better trading performance through time and cost savings when moving goods across borders.

According to IDB estimates and economic studies, implementing these technologies would yield significant results in the region.

In Chile alone, the system would cut costs and halve the waiting times associated with exports and imports. Besides Chile, the Bank is currently supporting implementation efforts in Barbados, Peru, and CAFTA-DR countries.

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