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BIF 2023: One of Main Investment Forums in Latin America Takes Place in Brasilia 

  • International investors will explore business opportunities in Brazil during the Brasil Investment Forum, to be held November 7 and 8 at the Palácio Itamaraty.
  • The event is a partnership between the IDB, the Federal Government of Brazil, and ApexBrasil, the country’s export- and investment-promotion agency 


On November 7 and 8, investors will have a chance to explore business opportunities in various Brazilian sectors, with emphasis on inclusive and sustainable projects and the participation of the private sector.  The sixth edition of the Brasil Investment Forum (BIF), one of Latin America’s main events for attracting foreign investment, will take place for the first time in Brasilia, at Palácio Itamaraty, the headquarters of Brazil’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The BIF is a partnership between Brazil’s Federal Government, the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), and the Brazilian export- and investment-promotion agency, ApexBrasil, bringing together executives from around the world interested in investing in the country. In the last edition, the event had more than 6,000 registered participants from more than 100 countries, including investors and think tanks.

This year's edition will be opened by President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva and will feature the participation of senior private-sector and government officials, who will discuss, from the perspective of different sectors, investment opportunities and the current business environment in Brazil’s new economic and social context. In addition to showing the diversity of initiatives that can attract investments in the country, including those offered by the New Growth Acceleration Program (PAC, its Portuguese acronym), speakers will discuss topics such as the energy transition, sustainable development, innovation and technology, agribusiness and impact businesses.

For ApexBrasil Chairman Jorge Viana, BIF 2023 will benefit from the new phase opening in the country after Lula da Silva returned to the presidency for a third term. “Brazil is now competing again in the global trade arena and presenting itself as a reliable partner for those who want to make safe and innovative investments. I invite everyone to learn about business opportunities in Brazil in this special edition of the Brasil Investment Forum,” Viana said.

“It is a pleasure to collaborate closely with ApexBrasil in organizing another edition of the BIF, an event that has already established itself as the main showcase of investment opportunities in the country,” IDB President Ilan Goldfajn said. “As a longtime partner of Brazil, the IDB is committed to acting as a platform to scale initiatives in both the public and private sectors, and we want to highlight this during the BIF, also emphasizing the impact that these investments can bring to improving people’s quality of life.”

The forum stands out as a suitable place to establish connections with government representatives at the federal and state levels, who can provide the necessary support to implement projects in Brazil. Discussions will have simultaneous translation in Portuguese and English, ensuring that all participants can fully engage in the high-level debates.

Registration to follow the online broadcast of the event is free here.

New investment opportunities

Brazil follows the path of sustainable development, with public policies that aim to boost income and job generation, reduce inequalities, and advance its commitment to the environment. The country is committed to attracting investment, increasing the competitiveness of national products, and encouraging exports.

The goal of the Brazil Investment Forum 2023 is to showcase investment opportunities in the context of a safe and innovative business environment. With the highest GDP in Latin America, of around $1.89 trillion, Brazil is one of the world’s five top recipients of foreign investment. In 2022, it received $86 billion in investments, an increase of nearly 70% from 2021. Profits reinvested in Brazil reached $34 billion, a historic record, and the number of greenfield projects announced registered a growth of almost 30%.

The country’s dynamism in attracting investments reflects its economic potential, as one of the largest global agricultural producers and the world's largest exporter of products such as soy, coffee, orange juice and sugar. With 12% of the global water supply and one of the largest areas of arable land on the planet, it is a key player for global food security. The U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) estimates that by 2050, Brazilian agriculture will contribute 40% of annual global food production.

Brazil also presents major investment opportunities in infrastructure for the transport of those products, with one of the largest road networks in the world (more than 1.7 million km) and the possibility of foreign participation in the air transport sector. Recently, with the launch of the New Growth Acceleration Program (PAC), new concessions and projects for public-private partnerships were launched that could reach R$1 trillion.

The country also stands out in terms of investment opportunities in the energy transition and sustainable solutions, as renewable sources represent around 85% of the national energy-generation capacity. In the oil and gas sector, which stands out for its maturity and modernization, Brazil is the largest producer in Latin America and the eighth largest in the world.

When it comes to innovation, Brazil is recognized as an early adopter of new technologies and ranks as an innovative economy, with more than 12,000 startups, including more than 30 unicorns (startups valued at more than $1 billion) in 2023. Its more than 300 innovation hubs distributed throughout the national territory cover a wide array of sectors, from financial and real estate markets to agribusiness and health.

To learn more about investment opportunities in Brazil, attend the Brasil Investment Forum 2023. Find out more here.


GENERAL ACCESS: To have access to Itamaraty’s press room, members of the media may register for the event here.

OPENING SESSION: To access the opening ceremony, members of the media must, additionally, complete accreditation with the Communication Secretariat of the Presidency of the Republic (when available, the link will be sent to members of the media registered through the general form).

More information: | +55 (61) 991652584


The Brazilian Export and Investment Promotion Agency (ApexBrasil) helps international investors at all stages of investment adjust their business model to Brazil’s characteristics. Specialized analysts monitor project investment implementation to ensure success.

Between January and June 2023, ApexBrasil facilitated 17 investment projects, resulting in announcements totaling around $1.474 billion, with the prospect of creating approximately 7,000 new jobs.

About the IDB

The Inter-American Development Bank is devoted to improving lives. Established in 1959, the IDB is a leading source of long-term financing for economic, social and institutional development in Latin America and the Caribbean. The IDB also conducts cutting-edge research and provides policy advice, technical assistance and training to public- and private-sector clients throughout the region. Take our virtual tour.


Borges De Padua Goulart Janaina

Borges De Padua Goulart Janaina


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