Seventh edition of the Gobernarte 2020 Award selected five countries that presented innovative initiatives in citizen management and services to face the COVID-19 crisis
The seventh edition of the contest "Gobernarte 2020: the art of good government - Eduardo Campos Award" of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), selected six innovative initiatives presented by subnational governments of Brazil, Colombia, Argentina, Peru and Chile as winners. In this 2020 edition, a total of 127 initiatives were presented from subnational governments of 12 countries in Latin America and the Caribbean. A panel of five internationally recognized experts evaluated and selected the initiatives based on criteria of impact, sustainability, innovation and replicability.
The governments of the State of Sao Paulo (Brazil) and the Department of Cundinamarca (Colombia) were chosen as the winners of the second administrative level of government. On the other hand, the Municipality of Bogota (Colombia) and the Metropolitan Municipality of Lima (Peru) were the winners in the 3rd administrative level of government category with more than 1 million people. And, finally, the Municipalities of El Bosque (Chile) and Villa Carlos Paz (Argentina) were the winners of the third level of administrative government category with less than 1 million people.
The six winning initiatives were:
- Center of Mídias da Educação de São Paulo (CMSP), Governo do Estado de Sao Paulo, Brazil. The São Paulo Educational Media Center (CMSP) was created to offer virtual learning opportunities to almost 3.5 million students and training to about 190 thousand teachers, after the suspension of face-to-face classes as a measure to prevent transmission of COVID-19.
- Pensiones + cerca de ti (pensions closer to you), Government of Cundinamarca, Colombia. Since the beginning of the pandemic, the government implemented virtual management to ensure the continuity of service provision to 7018 pensioners and also recue the exposure of its officials to COVID-19.
- Bogota Solidaria, Municipality of Bogotá, Colombia. Bogota Solidaria aims to serve the vulnerable population through unconditional cash transfers, using secure, low-amount bank accounts activated remotely through a web application and calls to beneficiaries, and food subsidies during the pandemic.
- Manos a la olla (Hands to the pot), Metropolitan Municipality of Lima, Peru. The initiative seeks to reduce the damage caused by the pandemic in populations without income to ensure their food through the georeferencing of communal Lima kitchens, and the strengthening of capacities and skills for managers and beneficiaries. It managed to collect approximately 44 tons of food and, with it, take more than 84,617 rations to communal kitchens, benefiting 45,987 people from 12 districts of Metropolitan Lima.
- Model of Participatory Municipal Health Management of the Commune of El Bosque, Municipality of El Bosque, Chile. With mechanisms of social innovation, the commune strengthened the role of local leaders to create a link between the population and health centers, and thus better disseminate information to prevent the risk of contagion, achieving 100% traceability of its patients with COVID-19.
- Online network of social action of Community Management in the framework of the COVID-19 pandemic, Municipality of Villa Carlos Paz, Argentina. The municipality organized the attention to their food using digital tools and articulating food, medicine and psychological assistance services that were provided daily.
The Gobernarte contest seeks to identify, reward and document the most innovative practices implemented in different areas of public management at the subnational level, promoting cooperation between the governments of Latin America and the Caribbean.
The awards ceremony will be held virtually within the Smart City Expo Santiago de Chile that will take place from December 10 to 11, 2020.
More information about the winning initiatives is available at
About the IDB
The Inter-American Development Bank is devoted to improving lives. Established in 1959, the IDB is a leading source of long-term financing for economic, social and institutional development in Latin America and the Caribbean. The IDB also conducts cutting-edge research and provides policy advice, technical assistance and training to public and private sector clients throughout the region.
Sheila Grandio

Vasquez Rossi,Maria Ines