The Priorities for Productivity and Income (PPIs) website offers results of the PPIs study carried out by IDB’s Research Department, which identifies priorities for Latin American countries across eight productivity-determinant sectors that maximize the likelihood of reaching higher income-per-capita groups, depending on their actual income-per-capita level.
Find out where your country stands.
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This tool lets you compare sectoral indicators against own-group averages and next-group averages
This tool lets you compare individual indicators in each of the 8 sectors analyzed (capital markets, education, health, infrastructure, innovation, integration and trade, labor markets, telecommunications) across countries and time.
Download the PPIs database with indicators used in the estimation of the model covering the period 2000-2018 (in their original version and their normalized version). Most of the historical data are available at an annual frequency for the period 2000-2018, covering 26 LAC and 32 OECD countries.
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