The Felipe Herrera Library, named after the IDB’s first president, plays a pivotal role in the Bank’s commitment to open knowledge and in promoting the reutilization of the vast knowledge it produces, ensuring that it is accessible and freely available to the public.
The Library helps the IDB to publish roughly 1,000 publications per year on a wide range of topics, and is responsible for managing the IDB’s publications catalog. Start reading!
The Library helps the IDB publish datasets related to its research and operational work so that they can be used by other researchers and development practitioners. Start analyzing open data!
The IDB was the first multilateral institution to recognize open source software among its knowledge products. Explore the tools freely available!
The IDB’s knowledge hub, where you can access a range of resources and tools - including 220 massive online courses - on topics related to international development.
Approved by our member countries, the Strategy guides our mission and sets the priorities for our work.