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Financing Solutions

Financing Solutions

The IDB is the largest source of multilateral financing to Latin America and the Caribbean offering loans, grants, and guarantees to sovereign and private sector clients.

IDB Finance Portal
Group of men looking at a touch screen Flexible Financing Facility (FFF)

The IDB offers Ordinary Capital (OC) sovereign borrowers flexible financing solutions to further borrower’s risk management capabilities in projects, lending programs and asset-liability management strategies.

Several solar panels on a field Guarantees

The IDB offers guarantee loans made by private financial sources to public sector projects. Guarantees seek to improve financing conditions for projects in Latin America and the Caribbean and help attract investment in borrowing countries.

A man holding two fruits Concessional Financing

Concessional financing is offered to the IDB’s most vulnerable member countries. At present, Guyana, Honduras and Nicaragua qualify for some form of concessional financing that is provided via blended loans.

A person holding a spoon full of food Grants

Grants are non-reimbursable funds provided for technical cooperation programs. Some grants may be repaid to the IDB if the program eventually obtains a loan, either from the Bank itself or another source. Grants can be financed by the IDB’s own financial resources or funds from third parties.

Contact Us! For debt and risk management tools linked to Sovereign Guaranteed loans:
Treasury Client Solutions Group
Capital and Funds under Administration
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Libor Transition
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Financial Statements
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