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Eligibility for Public Sector Financing

Eligibility for Public Sector Financing
Public Sector Financing
Governments and Governmental Institutions

For public sector project financing, a country’s “government” includes its central, state, provincial, and municipal government structures, as well as decentralized government organizations such as state banks, development corporations, public sector companies, and universities.

Civil Society

Civil Society organizations having a national government guarantee are eligible for IDB lending.

Sub-regional Organizations

Four independent sub-regional organizations—the Andean Development Corporation, the Central American Bank for Economic Integration, the Caribbean Development Bank (some of whose country members are not members of the IDB), and the River Plate Basin Financial Development Fund—are eligible to borrow from the IDB.

Financial Intermediaries

The IDB makes multi-sector global loans, backed by government guarantees, to financial intermediaries to finance credit programs for a wide range of businesses, including microenterprises and small and medium-sized firms.

Quick Guide To Public Sector Financing
Lending Instruments

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