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LAC Debt Group Statistics

LAC Debt Group Statistics
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The availability of valid, comparable, and standardized public debt data is essential for the implementation of sound policies in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC). This is why at the core of the LAC Debt Group initiative is the development of a standardized sovereign debt database to help debt managers, policy makers, and other actors of financial markets analyze the evolution and composition of public debt in LAC and conduct cross-country comparisons. The information of the database is provided by the public debt offices of LAC countries in response to a questionnaire specifically designed to allow comparability of data.

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The questionnaire, whose response is non-compulsory, is intended to compile up-to-date standardized statistics for objective and homogeneous definitions of public debt.

As stated in the disclaimer, the data presented herein is for informational purposes only and does not have an official character. It is based on the standardized methodology applied by the LAC Debt Group in order to have comparative indicators for the region.

The set of data provided by countries in response to the LAC Debt Group Questionnaire is accessible by clicking on the following links: Standardized Public Debt Statistics 

Excel Format

IDB´s Open Data Portal version

Related Resource 1: This website provides nformation on public debt and public debt management and are of interest to Debt Management Offices (DMOs)
LAC Public Debt Dashboard LAC Public Debt Dashboard

Access our new tool to visualize the data and evolution of public debt in Latin America and the Caribbean. The dashboard presents the evolution and composition of public debt in LAC and allows for comparisons between countries and regions.

Access here
Related Resource 2: This website provides nformation on public debt and public debt management and are of interest to Debt Management Offices (DMOs)

In order to have comparable structure and format for public debt figures, LAC Debt Group implements a standard template for collection of public debt data. This is an important breakthrough, in the sense that it is the first time that countries agree on reporting the same support for external and domestic debt.

  • The information presented is provided by the public debt offices of the region in response to a questionnaire specifically created to allow comparability of data. The questionnaire, which is non-compulsory, is intended to compile up-to-date standardized statistics to conduct cross-country comparisons over clear, objective and homogeneous definitions of public debt. Data is available from 2006.
  • The basic object of interest is the documented debt issued by the central government and the central bank that has to be paid at some point in the future.
  • Gross Public Debt refers to gross debt of the central government. This concept excludes subnational debt and debt from state-owned enterprises and public banks, but includes non-monetary Central Bank liabilities. No netting should be done when reporting Gross Public Debt. In particular, you should not subtract central government debt held by the Central Bank
  • Once the total debt figure (i.e. Gross Public Debt) is computed we compute three estimates of net debt attempting to obtain figures that are more meaningful for international and time series comparisons.
  • Net Debt 1 refers to Gross Public Debt minus central government debt held by the Central Bank. Net Debt 2 equals Net Debt 1 minus International Reserves held by the Central Bank. Finally, Net Debt 3 is obtained subtracting assets held by private pension funds from Net Debt 2 (in case they exist in your country).
  • The database presents several disaggregations of the Gross Public Debt data. The gross public debt data is classified by: maturity, legislation, type of creditor, currency, rate and holder.
  • Values are expressed in millions of current US dollars, using end of period exchange rates.

Click here to have access to a description of the methodology

Click here to have access to the questionnaire


The information included herein is for informational purposes only. The data and graphics included herein represent the information provided by the participating countries (Argentina, The Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Jamaica, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Suriname, Trinidad & Tobago, Uruguay and Venezuela). This information does not have an official character, and is obtained from a questionnaire that is based on a standardized methodology applied by the group of specialists in public debt management of Latin America and the Caribbean in order to have comparative indicators for the region. If you require official information from a participant country, please contact directly the Public Debt Office of the participant country. Under no circumstance or motive, neither these countries nor the Inter-American Development Bank give statements or warranties of any kind, neither explicit nor implicit, regarding the completeness, accuracy, reliability, suitability or availability of data or related graphics contained herein. Any use made of the information contained herein is the sole responsibility and risk of the user.

In no case will the countries or the Inter-American Development Bank be liable for any loss or damage which may arise from, or be connected to the access or use of this information, including but not limited to, loss or direct or indirect damage, consequential damage or loss of profits. The inclusion of electronic links does not imply an investment recommendation nor an endorsement of the views expressed in them. Before relying upon the information published herein, users should seek the advice of an independent professional counselor.

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