LAC Debt Group promotes the exchange of experiences and information that will lead to greater transparency, coordination, and integration of the Debt Management Offices (DMOs) of participating countries. The Group serves as a technical and policy discussion forum for discussing state-of-the-art issues and attempting to fashion common views.
In addition to offering a year-round possibility for exchange, the Group holds two meetings per year:
Which serve as the principal venue for the exchange of experiences and knowledge on public debt management practices.
Which serve as forums of discussion on the topics identified by members.
Sessions open to all DMOs in the LAC Debt Group and aim to create a space for discussion and knowledge on the most relevant and up-to-date themes.
These meetings aim to (i) contribute for the integration of Debt Management Offices (DMO’s) of participating countries; (ii) create technical discussion forums, covering topics of general interest to debt offices in the region (back, middle and front-office issues); (iii) allow for debates on the current and potential analytical debt management tools in use by the debt offices; and (iv) create a favorable environment for the development of research on the wide array of topics related to public debt management.

LAC Debt Group holds its Annual Meeting in one of the Group's member countries. This official gathering is a forum for discussion among the debt management specialists of each of the members countries of the Group, most of whom are Director of Public Debt, Director of Central Banks, or other high level authorities of the member countries. Representatives of non-member countries, multilateral financial institutions, development agencies, and private banks also attend. The Annual Meeting is the principal venue for the exchange of experiences and knowledge on public debt management practices in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Participation at the Annual Meeting is by invitation. The list of special guests from each member country of the IDB and non-member countries, including private sector organizations, banks, and associations, is prepared according to internal procedures established for that purpose and must be approved by the respective country authorities. The list for each country is updated yearly to include requests received after the previous Annual Meeting.

LAC Debt Group holds seminars and workshops aimed at fostering the sharing of experiences and know-how among public debt managers and privilege technical discussions involving a broad group of debt management analysts that deal with back, middle and front-office issues. Workshops are held once a year in Washington D.C. and include a variety of topics of interest for debt managers.
Information and materials related to previous Thematic Workshops could be found below.

The LAC Debt Group launched the Bimonthly Thematic Sessions in the second semester of 2022.
These sessions are open to all DMOs participating in the LAC Debt Group and aim to create a space for discussion and knowledge on the most relevant and up-to-date matters. The group hopes that these sessions may contribute to optimizing debt management operations by facilitating access to innovative instruments and strategies.

Three sessions were held over the year, covering the topics of: ESG Taxonomies; Central Bank Digital Currencies and their impact on sovereign debt management; and natural disaster management and sovereign debt.
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