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Study cases

Study Cases
A city surrounded by trees and a river - Inter-American Development Bank - IDB
Phase 1: Screening and Classification Phase 2: Qualitative Assessment Phase 3: Quantitative Assessment Risk Management Plan
Plan-de-adaptacion-a-inundaciones-3-IDB-Santo-Domingo Adaptation plan for floods influenced by climate change: Colonial City of Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic (Available in Spanish)
Including-climate-change-1-IDB-Honduras Including climate change in the hydrological analysis for the layout and design of transport infrastructure: Methodological guide and implementation in 33 vehicular bridges in Haiti ​(Available in Spanish)
Flood-risk-in-wetlands-of-Asuncion-1-IDB-Paraguay Flood risk in wetlands of Asuncion: effects of climate change (Available in Spanish)
Climate Change Basics

Terms of Reference  for DRA and DRMP

Disaster Risk Management in Multiple Works Operations

Mitigation Options

Disaster and Climate Change Risk Methodology
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