The IDB has a Public Information Center (PIC) that allows the public to submit a request for information for documents or information held by the Bank.
This request is made in accordance with the IDB's Access to Information Policy, which provides guidelines for disclosure of information. The IDB's Public Information Center is responsible for receiving, processing, and responding to these requests, with a commitment to transparency and timely communication.
Check out this video tutorial with tips on how to fill out the information request form that will be submitted to the Public Information Center.
The Luz Sadak, Legal Resource Center provides legal information resources in support of the work performed by the Bank's staff and maintains an updated collection of Latin American and the Caribbean legal materials and general works about private and public international law.
IDB lending is guided by policies and frameworks that apply to economic sectors or special areas.
The IDB has a list of operational policies common to all types of its financing activities.