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Traffic Safety Support for Highway Plan.

The principal objective of this Technical Cooperation is to assist the Viceministerio de Transporte, Comunicaciones y Aeronáutica Civil (VMTCAC) and the Servicio Nacional de Caminos (SNC) of Bolivia, in developing a program with special traffic safety input in the relevant areas. The project would provide two consultants for a total of seven (7) months of consultant services. The work will be focussed around three program areas - the road project studies, the present road rehabilitation work and institutional development, including coordination with the health and public safety sectors.

Project Detail



Project Number


Approval Date

March 1, 2000

Project Status


Project Type

Technical Cooperation





Lending Instrument


Lending Instrument Code




Facility Type


Environmental Classification


Total Cost

USD 125,000.00

Country Counterpart Financing

USD 0.00

Original Amount Approved

USD 125,000.00

Financial Information
Operation Number Lending Type Reporting Currency Reporting Date Signed Date Fund Financial Instrument
ATN/DC-6909-BO Sovereign Guaranteed USD - United States Dollar Danish Consultants Funds Nonreimbursable
Operation Number ATN/DC-6909-BO
  • Lending Type: Sovereign Guaranteed
  • Reporting Currency: USD - United States Dollar
  • Reporting Date:
  • Signed Date:
  • Fund: Danish Consultants Funds
  • Financial Instrument: Nonreimbursable
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