Leading experts in the preservation and revitalization of historic urban centers will gather at the Inter-America Development Bank next week to examine the lessons learned by 10 cities that undertook pioneering efforts in this field.
The two-day meeting, which is open the media, will feature short presentations on the experience of 10 cities in vastly different settings that have each carried out ambitious programs to restore and preserve historic districts as part of a broad strategy to generate jobs, attract tourists and protect cultural heritage.
The presentations and debates will focus on the economic aspects of sustainable preservation, with the goal of identifying best practices that can be applied by other cities.
In addition to Quito, Oaxaca, Salvador and Verona, the seminar will feature presentations on Edinburgh (U.K.), Syracuse (Italy), Aleppo (Syria), Marrakesh (Morocco) and Porto (Portugal).
A full program and list of participants, along with copies of the case-studies, is available here.
What: International Seminar: “The Sustainability of Urban Heritage Preservation”
When: Sept. 23 and 24, 2010
Where: Enrique V. Iglesias Conference Center, Room CR-2
Who: Leading experts on urban development and urban heritage preservation
Reporters who wish to attend or arrange for interviews should contact Paul Constance, paulc@iadb.org, (202) 623-2572.