Two-day event coincides with Innovation in Government week and includes participation of OECD, U.S. and Chinese officials
High-level policymakers and experts will gather at the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) on April 10 and 11 to discuss the critical need for innovation in government to address citizens’ concerns for more and better public services in Latin America and the Caribbean.
The event – “Innovation in Government Week: Strengthening the Institutional Capacity of the State to Deliver” – will take place at the IDB’s headquartersin Washington, DC. The event will include the two keynote speakers: Steve Goldsmith, Director of the Ash Center of Innovation at Harvard and Eduardo Campos, Governor of Pernambuco, Brazil. It will also include presentations of innovations in government from Chile, Peru, as well as provide an overview of the latest advances and challenges in Latin America and the Caribbean countries as well as OECD countries, and present the experience of the People’s Republic of China.
Weak institutional capacity has been identified as one of the most important obstacles to economic development and long-term poverty reduction. While Latin American and the Caribbean (LAC) countries have made significant progress in making their governments more effective, citizen’s expectations have increased. Innovation in government is critical for addressing citizens’ concerns for more and better public services.
The IDB is the region’s leading multilateral bank to work on institutional strengthening and modernization of the management of the public sector.
The event is by invitation only. Media wishing to cover the event should email Mildred Rivera, [email protected], or call (202) 623-2319.
WHAT: Seminar – “Innovation in Government Week: Strengthening the Institutional Capacity of the State to Deliver”
WHEN: Wednesday, April 10 and Thursday, April 11 at 9:00 a.m.
WHERE: IDB, Enrique V. Iglesias Conference Center, 1330 New York Avenue, NW, Washington, DC
Stephen Goldsmith, Director, Innovations for Government Program, Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University
Rafael Ariztía, Head of State Modernization, Ministry of the Presidency, Government of Chile, The Experience of “Chile Atiende”
Mariano Tommasi, Director, Center for Institutional Development Studies, University of San Andrés
Juan Pablo Silva, Vice Minister for Social Development and Inclusion, Government of Perú
Ms. Zhang Xuechun, Deputy General Manager, People’s Bank of China
Eduardo Campos, Governor, State of Pernambuco, Brazil
Professor B. Guy Peters, Maurice Falk Professor of American Government, Political Science Department, University of Pittsburgh