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Paraguay will conduct a national population and housing census with IDB support

Financing for $12.5 million will provide more timely, reliable, and standardized socioeconomic data

Paraguay’s 2012 National Population and Housing Census will be carried out with the help of a $12.5 million financing package from the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB). 

By updating the country’s socio-demographic statistics, the census will contribute to generate improved public policy and the development of the National Statistical System (SEN). All public agencies that collect, process, organize, and disseminate statistical information contribute to the SEN.

New features for the 2012 Census will include: 

  • A four-to-six-week census of people who habitually live in a residence―not just those present at the moment the census is conducted― to help design welfare programs.
  • Systems to help ensure consistency, validity, and computerized coding of data.
  • The use of electronic devices that capture and transmit field data, instead of paper questionnaires.
  • Better paid and trained census takers.
  • Inclusion of emerging issues such as international immigration and emigration, disabilities, and use of technology.

In addition, the project will help to improve the coverage, quality, and timeliness of the census, and will include the entire cycle of the census process, from preto post census activities. 

The IDB loan will also help strengthen SEN’s statistical methodologies to improve standardization, economic classifications, and consolidation of an integrated survey system. The project will support the organizational development of the General Directorate of Statistics, Surveys and Censuses, the institution responsible for generating, organizing, analyzing, and disseminating the country’s official statistical information and cartography. 

The financing consists of a loan from the IDB's Ordinary Capital for $10 million for a term of 30 years with a grace period of six years and an interest rate based on LIBOR. An additional loan for $2.5 million will be provided by the IDB’s Fund for Special Operations for a term of 40 years with a grace period of 40 years and an annual interest rate of 0.25 percent. Local counterpart will total $5.42 million.

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