A $2.5 billion IDB emergency loan to strengthen the banking sector, deepen macroeconomic reforms, and improve the social safety net in such areas as education, health and employment.
A $250 million IDB loan for an innovative program to support reform in the area of potable water and sanitation by promoting investment by commercial banks.
A $250 million IDB loan to support the sustainable development of municipalities.
A $207 million IDB guarantee for Trenes de Buenos Aires, S.A., to substantially improve both the quality and quantity of service for the city's passenger train system.
A $75 million IDB loan from ordinary capital and a $54 million syndicated loan to support the modernization and competitiveness of Correo Argentino, S.A., the world's first fully privatized national postal system.
An $85 million IDB loan to support the modernization of the education system and to prepare primary and secondary students for an information- and technology-based economy in the 21st century.
A $660,000 MIF grant to enhance the availability of financial services to small businesses and microenterprises.
A $50 million concessional loan from the Fund for Special Operations to assist the government in continuing its program of reforms, social investments, and poverty reduction.
A $35 million concessional loan from the Fund for Special Operations to promote the comprehensive development of small business and microenterprise.
A $15 million IDB loan to Aguas del Illimani S.A., a private company, for the expansion and rehabilitation of water and sewerage systems.
A $75 million IDB loan from ordinary capital and a syndicated loan of $55 million to support the construction, upgrading, operation and maintenance of approximately 156 kilometers of toll road linking the city of São Paulo with Sorocaba and Araçoiaba da Serra.
An $8 million IIC loan to Banco Industrial do Brasil, S.A., for credit to medium-sized companies for purchasing fixed assets and equipment.
A $5.15 million MIF grant to enhance the job skills of young men and women, primarily in the Northeast of Brazil, through the Capacitação Solidária program of the Associação de Apoio ao Programa Comunidade Solidária.
An $8 million IIC loan to Leasecorp El Camino Arrendamento Mercantil, S.A., to provide small and medium-sized companies with medium- and long-term financing through leasing for the acquisition of capital goods.
A $350 million IDB emergency loan to consolidate the modernization of the electric power sector.
A $6.5 million IDB loan to promote better employment opportunities for women and to reduce barriers to their participation in the economy.
A $1.8 million MIF grant to increase the productivity and competitiveness of microenterprises, a program to be carried out by the Corporación Acción por Antioquia-Actuar Famiempresas de Medellín.
Costa Rica
A $1.67 million MIF grant to support small enterprises that contribute to preserving biodiversity.
An Ecu 215,250 loan and Ecu 85,110 grant from the European Community Special Fund for Microenterprises to the Asociación de Propietarios de Talleres de Mantenimiento Industrial to support microenterprise and small enterprises in the metal working industry.
Dominican Republic
A $105 million IDB loan and a $750,000 technical cooperation grant for reconstruction and relief from the damage of Hurricane Georges.
A $48 million IDB loan to assist the rehabilitation and the reopening of main coastal roads that were damaged by heavy flooding during the climatic disruption that resulted from the 1997 98 El Niño weather phenomenon.
A $45 million IDB loan to support improvement in rural education by organizing school systems with greater autonomy and parental participation.
A $13.5 million IDB loan to support the development and consolidation of regulatory agencies in the infrastructure sectors and to finance technical studies and specialized consulting services for structuring concession and privatization processes.
El Salvador
A $1.3 million MIF grant to promote the cultivation and marketing of organic fruits and vegetables and other nontraditional products.
A $90 million IDB loan to meet the most pressing social and economic needs of the poorest sectors of the rural population.
A $40 million IDB loan for reconstruction and repair of public works from hurricane damage and for preventive measures against future flooding.
A $33 million IDB loan for a program to support the restructuring of food and agriculture production to increase the sector's competitiveness.
A $20 million IIC loan package to Compañía de Jarabes y Bebidas Gaseosas La Mariposa, S.A.; Industrias del Atlántico, S.A.; and Embotelladora del Sur, S.A. to acquire new equipment and distribution centers as well as to improve the group's current financing structure.
A $20 million IDB concessional loan from the Fund for Special Operations to improve infrastructure and basic services for the urban population.
A $63 million IDB concessional loan from the Fund for Special Operations for hurricane damage reconstruction and municipal development in Tegucigalpa and San Pedro Sula.
A $50 million IDB concessional loan from the Fund for Special Operations for hurricane relief, reconstruction and community development.
A $45 million IDB concessional loan from the Fund for Special Operations to support a family allowances program designed to promote better nutrition, health and education among the poorest of the poor.
A $310 million IDB loan to improve rural water supply and sanitation services.
An $8 million IIC loan to Manatí, S.A. de C.V., to help finance the construction of an all-inclusive resort hotel dedicated to nature and archeological tourism in the Quintana Roo region of southeastern Mexico.
A $1 million IDB reimbursable guarantee and $500,000 MIF grant to Fundación Mexicana para el Desarrollo Rural to strengthen the institution's capacity to deliver high quality and sustainable financial services to rural entrepreneurs.
A $50 million IDB concessional loan from the Fund for Special Operations for hurricane relief, reconstruction, and community development.
A $70.4 million IDB loan to support a pioneering program for the sustainable social and economic development of the Darién region and to help protect its natural resources and fragile ecosystems.
A $4 million IIC loan to Grupo Financiera Delta Corporation to finance leasing operations for small and medium-sized companies in sectors including industry, commerce, agriculture and construction.
A $5 million IDB loan to consolidate the public investment system and prepare preinvestment studies that will assist the establishment of budget priorities and channel resources in priority areas such as poverty reduction and modernization of the state.
A $5 million IIC credit line to Multibanco s.a.e.c.a. for on-lending to small and medium-sized enterprises, mainly for export-related import substitution or small infrastructure projects.
A $622,100 MIF grant to strengthen the country's anti-trust system.
A $300 million IDB loan for the third stage of a highway rehabilitation and improvement
A $200 million IDB loan to provide credit to the private sector to assist the country's plan to continue its program of economic growth and poverty reduction.
A $46.6 million IDB loan to support the first stage of a two-stage, $149 million program, known as Wawa Wasi, that will provide integrated day care to children under three years of age from low-income families.
A $10 million IIC loan to Banco del Progreso to provide credit to small and medium-sized enterprises engaged in the industrial, manufacturing, fishing, mining, construction, chemical, energy, tourism or agribusiness sectors.
A $30 million IDB loan to support a reform program that will stimulate growth and reduce excessive governmental costs.
A $155 million IDB loan to assist the development of financial markets to better meet the investment needs of private businesses.
A $1.25 million MIF long-term subordinated loan and a $250,000 grant to support microenterprises and small businesses.
A $340,000 MIF grant to assist the Asociación Nacional de Micro y Pequeños Empresarios in improving the competitiveness of microenterprises.
A $400 million fast-disbursing IDB loan to support government efforts to promote sustainable macroeconomic stability and increase productivity and economic growth.
A $100 million IDB loan to improve the quality and increase the coverage of water and sanitation services.
A $10 million IIC loan to Degas-Tropiven, c.a., to increase the company's production capacity in order to expand its distribution of liquified petroleum gas.
A $2.2 million IDB loan to improve the ability of the Public Finance and Statistics Office to provide complete, timely and reliable statistics.
A $75 million IDB loan to the Darby lamf, a private sector emerging markets fund designed to address shortfalls in the availability of long-term subordinated debt financing for infrastructure projects in Latin America and the Caribbean.
A $20 million IIC loan and an $80 million syndicated loan funded by international financial institutions to finance investee companies of Caribbean Basin Power Fund, Ltd., which will focus on investing in small power projects located in Central America and the Caribbean.
A $10 million MIF loan and $2.9 million in grants to support the recovery of microenterprises in areas damaged by Hurricane Mitch.
A $10 million MIF investment in a regional trust fund that will invest in small enterprises in Argentina and Chile.
A $3 million MIF subordinated loan, $600,000 equity investment, and $115,000 technical cooperation grant to the Latin American Challenge Fund to support institutions that lend to microenterprise.
A $2,364,000 MIF grant to promote the active participation of workers and their families, as well as employers, in the social insurance and pension reform processes. The project will be carried out by the Fundación Interamericana para el Desarrollo y Formación de Fondos de Pensiones Laborales.