The following operations were approved in recent weeks by the Inter-American Development Bank (idb), the Inter-American Investment Corporation (iic) and the Multilateral Investment Fund (mif).
A $66 million IDB loan and a $66 million syndicated loan to aes Paraná S.A., a private company, for the construction and operation of a natural gas-fired electric power plant in the city of San Nicolás.
A $300 million IDB loan to the Departamento Nacional de Estradas de Rodagem to help finance a nation-wide, multiple-works highway improvement program whose main component is the rehabilitation of approximately 6,800 kilometers of paved roads.
A $5 million IDB grant to help strengthen financial institutions that provide credit to microentrepreneurs, as part of a $60 million microenterprise lending program run by the National Bank for Economic and Social Development.
A $10 million IDB loan to support the Ministerio de Minas y Energía in what will be the Bank's first project dedicated exclusively to energy conservation and rational energy consumption.
A $61.2 million IDB loan for the first phase of a health services modernization program, to be carried out by the Comisión Ejecutiva de la Reforma del Sector Salud, designed to improve the quality, coverage and efficiency of the health system.
A $70 million IDB loan to support the Comisión Presidencial para la Modernización del Estado in programs to reform the public sector and promote increased private sector participation in infrastructure and services.
A $60 million IDB loan to support a program of the Fondo Guatemalteco de la Vivienda to increase the equity and efficiency of the housing market and encourage investment in housing for low-income households.
A $75 million IDB loan and $150 million syndicated loan to Energía Mayakán , s.a. de r.l. de c.v. , for the first major, open access, privately owned and operated natural gas pipeline in Mexico.
A $1,259,000 mif grant to help finance a private sector initiative that includes training and technical assistance for 600 new and expanding firms in the Nueva Vizcaya region in the Northeast.
A $12 million IDB loan to support a program to be carried out by the Ministerio de la Familia and the Fondo de Inversión Social de Venezuela to reduce poverty through partnerships between the public and private sectors and civil society.