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IDB will present on November 1st. report on changing patterns and costs of exclusion in Latin America and the Caribbean

The Inter-American Development Bank will present on Thursday November 1st. a report that shows the economic and welfare costs of social exclusion and advocates action beyond the traditional programs to fight poverty in Latin America and the Caribbean.

“Inclusion policies should be viewed as an investment rather than a supposedly generous handout to the worst off in society,” explained the report coordinator, IDB Principal Labor Advisor Gustavo Márquez. “Inclusion policies are more than new programs or new institutions for income transfer,” he said. “They imply fundamental changes in the way decisions are made, resources are allocated, and policies are implemented in democratic societies.”

The report Outsiders? The Changing Patterns of Exclusion in Latin America and the Caribbean is the 2008 issue of the IDB’s annual Economic and Social Progress Report.

The event will be opened by IDB President, Luis Alberto Moreno, and will be moderated by IDB Chief Economist Santiago Levy. The study will be presented by Gustavo Márquez and will be discussed by a panel of international experts and researchers, including Francisco Ferreira, Lead Economist of the World Bank Development Research Group; the Editor-in Chief of Foreign Policy, Moisés Naim; and Senior Fellow of the Brookings Institution, Carol Graham.

The event will be held November 1st. from 4pm to 7pm at the IDB Andrés Bello Auditorium, 1300 New York Ave, N.W., Washington, D.C.

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