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IDB to Webcast Latin America’s biggest microenterprise forum from Oct.7-8

The Multilateral Investment Fund will be webcasting seminars and discussion panels during the XIII Inter-American Microenterprise Forum (Foromic 2010) from Oct. 7-8.

Foromic, which is taking place in Montevideo this year, is the premier annual event on microfinance and microenterprise development in Latin America and the Caribbean. Every year Foromic draws more than 1,000 delegates from financial institutions, consulting firms, government agencies and international organizations interested in microenterprise development.

The Foromic program will examine economic perspectives for the microfinance industry and how the global economic and financial crisis has impacted the microenterprise industry in Latin America and the Caribbean, where some 700 institutions serve nearly 9 million clients.

Plenary sessions and panel discussions will cover topics such as financial and social performance in microfinance, and technologies that allow microfinance institutions to reduce costs and reach remote clients. Other topics to be covered include: how microfinance institutions can prepare and respond to natural disasters and financing for your entrepreneurs and renewable energy. Specialists from China, India and Brazil will share their experience in providing microcredit.

The event will also launch the Global Microscope on the Microfinance Business Environment 2010. The report, prepared by the Economist Intelligence Unit, measures the business environment for 54 countries, including 21 Latin American nations. Peru, the Philippines, and Bolivia topped the ranking for the second consecutive year.

Watch the Webcast

About the Multilateral Investment Fund

Over the past three decades the IDB has been a pioneer in promoting microfinance. Through the Multilateral Investment Fund (MIF), a member of the IDB Group, the Bank has supported the expansion of the region’s leading microfinance networks and encouraged innovations that have accelerated this industry’s development. For example, the Fund has spearheaded work converting non-governmental organization into regulated financial institutions and has supported actions to build a network of rating agencies and credit bureaus in the region.

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