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IDB organizes seminar on importance of gender equality to foster development and growth

The Inter-American Development Bank will host a seminar to renew discussion of policies and investments necessary to promote gender equality and foster human development and economic growth in Latin America and the Caribbean. The event will take place at IDB headquarters in Washington, D.C. June 4 from 10.30am to 5pm.

IDB Executive Vice President, Daniel Zelikow; Chairperson of the IDB External Advisory Council on Gender Equality, Ruth Cardoso; and IDB Sustainable Development Department Deputy Manager, Marco Ferroni, will open the event.

Distinguished panelists from Latin America and international organizations will address issues such as the gender gap in education, gender and economic opportunities, and reproductive health.

Participants will include representatives and academics from Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Jamaica, Mexico, Paraguay and the United States, and international experts from the IDB, the Pan American Health Organization and the World Bank.

IDB Vice President for Countries, Otaviano Canuto, will close the meeting.

During the past decades, the IDB has focused numerous programs and initiatives to promote issues related to women participation and leadership in Latin America and the Caribbean. Gender equality has also been a key concern in all the Bank’s portfolio.

The event will be held at the IDB Andres Bello Auditorium, 1300 New York Ave, N.W., Washington, D.C.

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