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IDB launches Superheroes of Development contest to recognize executing agencies

In its second edition, the call for proposals will be open from March 4th to May 17th, 2019.

The Superheroes of Development Award will recognize executing agencies of IDB-financed projects that have successfully addressed challenges during its implementation. The contest will identify eight finalists from across Latin America and the Caribbean who will travel to IDB’s Headquarters in Washington, D.C. to present their solutions.

The call for proposals is part of an effort to improve IDB-financed projects performance through systematic learning and knowledge sharing. The contest will be open to all agencies that have carried out operations (co-) financed by the IDB through a Sovereign Guarantee Loan in the execution phase or completed with a final disbursement on or after January 1st, 2015.

Finalists will be selected according to the following criteria: relevance of the challenge and its impact; the solution that was implemented and its results; and the lessons learned and how they were shared with projects facing similar challenges.

The proposals will be evaluated by a panel of external and IDB experts. Agencies with interest in participating must complete an online form available on the contest website, along with the terms and conditions.

Finalists will travel to present their work during the IDB Knowledge Week in Washington D.C., where the winning team will be announced. In addition, IDB will share their stories across the region, to contribute with knowledge for new operations and ongoing projects.

Superheroes of Development award 2019


About the IDB

The Inter-American Development Bank is devoted to improving lives. Established in 1959, the IDB is a leading source of long-term financing for economic, social and institutional development in Latin America and the Caribbean. The IDB also conducts cutting-edge research and provides policy advice, technical assistance and training to public and private sector clients throughout the region.

External Contacts

Andrea Ortega

Andrea Ortega
Additional Contacts

Superheroes of Development Team

Superheroes of Development Team
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