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IDB: Korea supports shelter construction in Haiti

A $286,860 grant from the Republic of Korea, through the Korean Fund for Poverty Reduction administered by the Inter-American Development Bank, will finance the construction of 150 temporary houses for families left homeless by the earthquake in Haiti.

The Korean resources will support a project led by the Latin American non-governmental organization Un Techo Para Mi País, which has built more than 800 shelters with wooden floors and walls and corrugated metal roofs in the outskirts of Port-au-Prince and the southwestern town of Grand Goave.

UTPMP, which recruits Haitian and Dominican students to build housing, is also the executing agency of a broader program supported by the IDB’s Multilateral Investment Fund to help Haitian families improve their abilities to generate income and their living standards.

The Santiago de Chile-based NGO aims to complete 1,000 shelters before year-end and has plans to build 1,000 units more in January 2011 in Haiti.

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