The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) started on Nov. 4 the first phase of public consultations on the development of its new Strategy for Institutions for Growth and Social Welfare (SIGS).
The objective of this initial consultation period, which will end on Dec. 4, is to receive comments from governments, members of civil society, academic specialists, and other interested parties on the strategy's profile. The public consultation process is directed at persons wishing to share their opinions or suggestions as part of the development of the proposed strategy.
Institutions for Growth and Social Welfare is one of the pillars of the IDB’s New Institutional Strategy resulting from the agreement among member countries on the 9th General Increase in the Resources of the Bank. The goal of the SIGS is to improve the IDB’s effectiveness in strengthening the institutional basis for development of Latin America and the Caribbean.
The consultative process will be carried out in two phases: the first one will focus on the SIGS profile, which lays out its basic concepts and key elements. The second phase, which will be based on the draft of the full strategy, will include inputs received during the first phase upon review and approval by relevant Bank authorities.
To participate in the development of the strategy’s draft profile, please go to and send your comments by 8 pm (EST) on Dec. 4, 2010.
For more information on the process of public consultation on the profile of the strategy, send your queries to