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IDB establishes Structured and Corporate Finance Department

The Inter-American Development Bank has established a new Structured and Corporate Finance Department (SCF) to strengthen and deepen its support for private sector development and other financing with-out sovereign guarantee in Latin America and the Caribbean.

The SCF Department, which replaced the Private Sector Department, will be responsible for projects with private sector clients in manufacturing, agribusiness, mining, tourism and other service sectors, in addition to the IDB’s more traditional transactions with private and state-owned enterprises  projects involving basic infrastructure, financial markets and public utilities.

SCF will be run by an experienced team led by the department’s new manager, Hans Schulz who was promoted to the position after serving as chief of the Financial Markets Unit of the former PRI Department. Before joining the IDB, Mr. Schulz worked at the Andean Development Corporation in Caracas and WestLB in Düsseldorf.

Warren Weissman, formerly head of Latin American loan syndications at Bank of America Securities, is chief of SCF’s new Corporate Finance Division, which will focus on extractive and productive industries, agribusiness and tourism, among other sectors. This division is expected to generate a significant number of new deals in coming years as the IDB steps up its private sector operations.

Daniela Carrera, who worked for ING Bank in Caracas and London before coming to the IDB, is chief of SCF’s new Financial Markets Division. Strengthened with additional staff and resources, the division will be responsible for capital market operations and with financial institutions. The Division will also be responsible for expanding the IDB’s Trade Finance Facilitation Program, which offers lines of credit and guarantees to issuing banks and confirming banks involved in financing exporters and importers.

Jean-Marc Aboussouan was appointed chief of SCF’s new Infrastructure Division. With more than 20 years of professional experience in Latin America working for JP Morgan, SG and the IDB, Aboussouan will lead a team of seasoned officers responsible for providing financing and credit guarantees for large-scale infrastructure projects sponsored by private or public sector enterprises.

Under an expanded mandate from its Board of Governors, in 2006 the IDB doubled the volume of new operations without sovereign guarantees. This year, using the flexibility afforded by higher lending limits and the ability to work with a broader range of industries and to offer local currency-denominated products, it is on track to double last year’s total.

Contact the SCF

For more information about IDB’s private sector and non-sovereign guaranteed financing activities, please contact:

Structured and Corporate Finance Department                                                                         
Hans Schulz                 
Tel. +1 (202) 623-3702

Corporate Finance Division
Warren Weissman
Division Chief
Tel. +1 (202) 623-3784

Financial Markets Division
Daniela Carrera
Division Chief
Tel. +1 (202) 623-1088

Infrastructure Division
Jean-Marc Aboussouan
Division Chief
Tel. +1 (202) 623-3665

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