The Inter-American Development Bank Cultural Center announced today the selection of 38 small-scale cultural development projects in 24 countries in Latin America and the Caribbean. The projects will receive a partial financial support of between $3,000 and $10,000.
The Cultural Development Program of the IDB Cultural Center promotes cultural development in the community by financing innovative projects for technical training in restoring traditions, preserving cultural heritage and educating youth.
The projects are evaluated for their viability, educational scope, effective use of resources, ability to mobilize additional financial resources and the long-term impact on the community.
This program provides one-time financing for up to two thirds of each project’s costs. Local organizations are expected to provide the rest of the resources and to ensure the continuity of the projects.
Since 1994, the Cultural Center and the IDB’s Country Offices have accepted applications for the annual financial support awards and have worked together to select, supervise, monitor and guide the institutions responsible for the projects.
The IDB Cultural Development Program has established an alliance with the recently created Inter-American Culture and Development Foundation with the goal of supporting the new IDB initiative Building Opportunities for the Majority. This initiative promotes innovation and creativity to help low-income people in Latin America and the Caribbean to improve their living conditions.
The following are the projects and institutions selected to receive support this year:
Art Made in Buenos Aires.
Made in Buenos Aires Civic Association
"Digital Voice" Digitalization of Books.|
BAC-Argentinian Library for the Blind.
Radio broadcasting in Garifuna language.
Meso-American Barrier Reef Systems.
Professional training for artisans in the art of stone carving in Collpajahua.
Collpajahua Cultural Center -Antajahua.
Restructuring of technical resources of the Museum for the Northeastern Man.
Joaquim Nabuco Foundation.
Appraisal of the ceramics and textiles of the Terena people.
Centro de Trabalho Indigenista (Center for Employment of Native and Indigenous People.)
Clorofila Cultural dos Mangues do Estado do Pará (Cultural Center in the State of Pará.)
Novos Curupiras Ecological Action Group.
Establishment of art schools in the neighborhoods of Southern Chile.
Municipality of Punta Arenas.
Program for socio-cultural engagement: provide tools for the development of community initiatives for youngsters from Valparaiso.
Balmaceda Cultural Coorporation.
Art school for young indigenous community members in the Manaure Municipality, Resguardo de La Alta and Media Guajira.
Kootirrawa Foundation.
Caribbean Citizen.
Integrity and Transparency Foundation of the Atlantic.
Craft production of Puerto Asís, Putumayo.
Young Peoples'Association: Troops of Peace, Love and Liberty.
Costa Rica
Puppetry education program for the prevention of the illegal trafficking of endangered species along the Costa Rica and Nicaragua Border.
Association to Preserve Wild Flora and Fauna -APREFLOFAS.
We are the river and our frontier is the air.
Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports.
Dominican Republic
"Starting my cultural tourism business."
Center of Tourism Development of INTEC.
"Brothers for Eternity" cultural exchange in Cantón Ibarra.
Ibarra Municipality.
Series of Didactic Publications.
International Biennial of Painting of Cuenca.
El Salvador
Rescue of Salvadorean oral traditions and promotion of the arts among children and youngsters from different communities.
Association for the Organization and Education of the Entrepreneurial Women of El Salvador (OEF/ES).
Workshop for Cultural Theatre Promoters and Rabinal Achi' Production.
Center of Mayan Studies "Drián Inés Chávez"- TIMACH.
Let's Play Reading.
Social Development Office of the Municipality of Guatemala.
The Arts Journal.
The Arts Forum Inc.
Socio-cultural and educational activities.
Compagnie NIFE - Visual Arts and Theatre Company.
Youth mobilization to save Haitian popular theatre.
ASDATH - Association for Dance and Theatre.
PaísPoesible - Arts and Culture Poetry Magazine.
PaísPoesible Association.
Popular Arts and Culture in the town of Trinidad.
Palito Verde Cultural Association.
West Vibez Culture Flex.
Western Society for the Upliftment of Children.
Community participation in the protection of the Mayan cultural patrimony in the State Of Quintana Roo.
Manejo Cultural Civic Association.
Fostering knowledge and appreciation of national arts and culture among children and teenagers.
Batahola Norte Cultural Center.
Commercialization of the arts and crafts by the Ngäbe Buglé People.
Besiko Cultural and Crafts Organization.
Cultural activation in Areguá.
Estación A - Cultural Center.
Rural communities cultural rescue.
Rural Studies and Popular Culture Society.
Peruvian peasant's lifestyle travelling exhibition and educational activities.
Art Museum of the Cultural Center of San Marcos National University.
Workshop for the Preservation and Conservation of Photographic Materials.
Arts and Popular Traditions Museum of the Riva Agüero Institute of the Pontific Catholic University of Peru.
Krin Kondre, Visual Art and Environment Education Project.
FVAS - Federation of Visual Artists in Suriname.
Trinidad & Tobago
Technical Theatre Outreach Program.
National Drama Association of Trinidad and Tobago.
Quiroga House Project - The Word as a Root.
Cultural Department of Salto Municipality.
Center for the Dissemination of Candombe Culture.
So.Co.De. - Solidarity with Displaced Communities.
Man and the Environment - Center for Museum Interpretation: Establishment of the Entomology Permanent Gallery.
La Salle Foundation