ROME - The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and the CRUI Foundation signed today an agreement to work in the integration of the economic and productive system with the academia in the fields of education, innovation and capacity building.
The memorandum of understanding was signed by IDB President, Luis Alberto Moreno, and CRUI Foundation Board of Directors’ member and rector of the IULM University, Giovanni Puglisi, in the context of the Fifth Conference on Italy-Latin America and the Caribbean, organized by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs on October 5 and 6.
The agreement outlines some areas of collaboration to jointly promote programs or projects that contribute to the acceleration of the economic and social development process in Latin America and the Caribbean.
The CRUI Foundation and the IDB will collaborate in the areas of training through internship projects, seminars and conferences in key areas for the Bank's member countries. The main objective is to encourage the strengthening of relations between the academic system and high innovative impact local production.
"Knowledge, research, innovation, growth and employment" -- said Giovanni Puglisi -- "constitute a virtuous cycle, whereby the Italian university system joins the production, and is able to support the development of crucial international alliances such as those with the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean.”
The CRUI Foundation was established in October 2001 and is a non-profit organisation aiming at contributing to the development of the university system, through projects, studies, pilot actions and the organization of information events on issues relevant to the university system. Since 2001 the CRUI Foundation has operated side by side with the Conference of Italian University Rectors in managing activity directed towards achieving innovation in the national university system.
The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) is the leading multilateral financial institution for the development of Latin America and the Caribbean. The IDB offers financial products and resources to help countries in the region promote growth and reduce poverty and inequality in a sustainable way.