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IDB calls for civil society projects to reduce poverty in Latin America and the Caribbean

The 11th IDB-Civil Society Meeting ends in Paraguay; more than 150 organizations from 26 countries participated

Note: Call documents for projects will be posted starting Nov.1

The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) is calling on civil society organizations to submit project proposals for poverty reduction and social development in Latin America and the Caribbean. 

Call documents will be posted on the IDB website on Nov. 1 for proposals to build the capacity of organizations that promote sustainable poverty reduction. The call closes on Dec. 31, 2011. Projects must qualify for technical cooperation funds from the Japan Fund for Poverty Reduction, which is managed by the Bank.

IDB Vice President for Countries Roberto Vellutini announced the call at the end of the 11th IDB-Civil Society Meeting, held Oct. 6-7 in Asunción, Paraguay. The annual event gives the IDB and civil society organizations (CSOs), an opportunity for an open and constructiveexchange of ideas. These meetings are part of an ongoing dialogue that the Bank considers essential to improve the effectiveness of its operations. 

More than 150 organizations from 26 countries participated in the meeting. Of these, 80 are part of the Civil Society Consulting Groups (ConSOCs) the bank established in every country where it operates. A ConSOCs is a forum that facilitates ongoing consultations with CSOs through which the IDB seeks comments and suggestions regarding its initiatives.

Topics on the 11th meeting’s agenda were identified during a participatory process carried out with ConSOCs throughout the region. They included the role of civil society in the development of countries and communities, the ConSOC as fundamental platform for dialogue, strengthening the participation of civil society, climate change, education, youth, diversity and social inclusion, and public safety. 

During various sessions of the two-day meeting, the Bank affirmed that civil society is an essential partner in its development projects. 

"The Bank will continue to promote interaction and collaboration with the civil society organizations in the 26 countries where we operate," said Vellutini. 

"We believe the work with these organizations is fundamental, and we hope to add more key players, based on the conclusions of this 11th Annual IDB-Civil Society Meeting," he said.

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