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IDB approves US$750,000 to support rehabilitation of Haiti’s Peligre hydropower station

The Inter-American Development Bank today announced the approval of a technical cooperation donation of US$750,000 to design a rehabilitation program for the Peligre hydropower station (CHP) in Haiti.

The IDB’s Infrastructure Fund (Infrafund) will provide a total of US$550,000 to the project, while the IDB’s Special Operations Fund (FOE) will contribute another US$200,000. The aim is to map out the actions needed in order to rehabilitate the hydropower station, which provides 25 percent of Haiti’s power, and to improve its efficiency.

The rehabilitation program seeks to strengthen the operational capacity of the hydropower system by refurbishing its electro-mechanic components and the main electricity-generating equipment. The project will be implemented together with the state-owned company EDH.

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