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IDB, American University, to present spanish language legal book on human rights May 18

The Inter-American Development Bank and American University's Washington College of Law will host a reception on May 18 to launch a Spanish language human rights legal casebook that will serve as a guide for judges and other legal experts on international norms.
The reception will be held at 6 p.m. at the Washington College of Law, 4801 Massachusetts Ave., N.W.
The book, the product of a week-long training seminar of judges and other legal specialists from 18 Latin American countries in 1997, is titled: La dimensión internacional de los derechos humanos: Guía para la aplicación de normas internacionales en el derecho interno (The International Dimension of Human Rights: A Guide for its Application in Domestic Law). The authors are Diego Rodríguez-Pinzón, Claudia Martín, and Tomás Ojea Quintana.
Claudio Grossman, dean of the Washington College of Law, and Edmundo Jarquín, chief of the IDB State and Civil Society Division, will present the book.

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