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Brazil will improve drainage and sanitation services in the municipality of Joinville with help from the IDB

The $70 million project is expected to protect about 14,000 homes from the risks of floods

Brazil will improve the quality of life in the municipality of Joinville (MJ) with a program to mitigate the risks of floods, expand access to basic sanitation services, preserve water sources and increase the administrative and operational capacity of the municipality, thanks to the Viva Cidade 2 program approved by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB).

The project, which will be implemented by MJ authorities, will include programs for macro and micro drainage, sanitation, creation of recreational spaces and strengthening MJ operations.

Activities related to improvements in environmental quality will include, among others, investments in sewage systems, a pump station and construction of linear parks and will benefit approximately 5,600 homes through access to sanitation networks and about 10,000 people through expanded areas for aquatic recreation.

To ensure the sustainability of the project, it also includes an effort to improve the operational strength of MJ that will include, among other factors, studies on how to recover the costs of the investment, operational manuals, the acquisition of equipment for macro and micro drainage and the overall monitoring of the program. The design and implementation of a plan for social-environmental communication, with a focus on gender, will also help MJ to improve its planning and use of urban spaces and natural resources.

The total cost of the project will be $140 million, including $70 million from the IDB's Ordinary Capital and a local contribution of $70 million. The loan will be for 25 years, with a grace period of 5.5 years and an interest rate based on LIBOR.

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