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Bolivia to receive IDB support to adapt to climate change

$2 million non-reimbursable financing to design for water and sanitation pilot program in La Paz and El Alto

The Inter-American Development Bank  (IDB) has approved a $2 million technical cooperation to Bolivia  from the Climate Investment Fund (CIF) to help it design a pilot program to strengthen the La Paz-El Alto metropolitan area’s water and sanitation system against climate change.

The project is part of the IDB’s Pilot Program to Build Capacity to Adapt to Climate Change. It provides countries with resources to integrate risk and the ability to adapt to climate change into development planning. Bolivia was selected to participate in the program because it is one of countries in the region most affected by climate change.

The $2 million is to be spent on technical support to help the Ministry of Environment and Water design the pilot program and methods to monitor and evaluate its progress.

Alfred Grünwaldt and Edgar Orellana, team leaders respectively of the IDB’s divisions of Climate Change and Sustainability (CCS) and Water and Sanitation (WSA), explained that this technical cooperation complements the efforts of the Bolivian government to include adaptation to global warming in the water and sanitation sector.

The money comes from the Climate Investment Fund (CIF). The IDB uses these resources-- through its divisions of Water and Sanitation, Energy, and Environment, Rural Development and Disaster Risk Management -- to reduce the vulnerability of countries throughout the region to climate change.

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