The SIMS (The Information System on Labor Markets and Social Security) is the main source of information on labor markets in Latin America and the Caribbean. Thought as a tool for researchers and labor policymakers to strengthen development initiatives in the region, this platform contains comparable statistics, institutional information and academic publications about labor markets in IDB country members.
The IDB Labor Markets Division created the SIMS in 2015 as an open space for decision makers, labor-market experts, researchers, university students and key regional stakeholders who have a special interest in the areas of labor policy, skills development, employability and social security.
This API overview describes how to query the indicators in Inter-American Development Bank’s (IDB) System of Indicators of Labor Markets and Social Security (SIMS) database and show the outputs.
The API allows you to access over 70 indicators on labor markets and social security on Latin American and Caribbean countries for a period that spans from 1990 to most update database available, depending on the indicator. Data is in a time-series format. Indicators are presented at an annual frequency.
The API has implemented a RESTful interface that allows users to query the data using selection parameters. The API provides XML and JSON representations for the expected output data.
The API is a resource made available to programmers and data users to explore the SIMS dataset and build new applications using the SIMS open data set. You are encouraged to develop software applications that utilize and add value to the SIMS dataset. The SIMS has its own application and user interface at The SIMS web application ( uses this API to access the database and present it on the website.