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The Institute for the Integration of Latin America and the Caribbean

About Publications Digital Integration

INTAL is part of the IDB’s Integration and Trade Sector. Its mission is to support integration processes in Latin America and the Caribbean by providing:

  • Knowledge to help countries and private stakeholders from Latin America and the Caribbean make decisions on issues that affect their role in the region and the world.
  • Digital integration spaces to get public and private stakeholders more involved in integration processes.
  • Support for economic, political, and digital integration initiatives by assisting with management, technical and financial issues, and operations.
Contact: Esmeralda 130, Piso 16. Buenos Aires Argentina | e-mail: | Phone: (+54 11) 4323-2363
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Learn about INTAL latest actions

The Institute of the Integration of Latin America and the Caribbean (INTAL) of the IDB’s Integration and Trade Sector presents i its main actions carried out in 2023 to achieve a more inclusive, sustainable and integrated region.

Video available in Spanish


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