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Regional Integration

Regional Integration

Harnessing integration to drive competitiveness.

Puente para vehículos moderno sobre río en zona rural. Integración regional - Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo - BID
Sector Framework Initiatives Projects at a Glance Platforms and Networks
Vista de vía de un puente con montaña verde de fondo. Desarrollo rural y económico - Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo - BID
Our Vision

We promote and support regional integration for the synergies and enhanced competitiveness that cooperation and policy coordination among neighboring countries can achieve. We encourage countries to harmonize policies, share knowledge and create shared infrastructure that attracts productive investment and that equips the region to participate in global value chains.

Contenedores apilados en un puerto maritimo. Comercio y desarrollo económico - Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo - BID
Current Focus Areas

Bring together leaders of public and private sectors for regional dialogues on economic policy and integration; support countries in their efforts to negotiate regional trade, cooperation, and investment agreements; train government employees in areas that will facilitate cross-border cooperation and trade; produce actionable research and statistics.

Technical Support

We provide technical support to implement regional and international trade and investment agreements.

Vehículo a punto levantar un contenedor de un camión de carga Transporte y comercio - Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo - BID
Training and Capacity Building

We provide training and capacity building for government officials on cross-border infrastructure and policy harmonization.

Agente aduanera le señala el lugar de una carga a colega. Desarrollo e inclusión - Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo - BID
Regional Public Goods

We promote the creation of Regional Public Goods in a variety of strategic areas including migration and financial integration.

Operarios trabajando para atar elementos a la grúa de un buque. Cooperación Regional - Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo - BID
Infraestructure Integration

We finance transport, energy, telecom and other infrastructure investments to reduce cross-border costs and boost competitiveness.

Vehículos transitando un puente que pasa sobre un río. Transporte y Desarrollo - Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo - BID
Institutional Improvements

We help carry out policy reforms, regulatory upgrades, and institutional improvements to advance the process of economic integration.

Agente aduanero inspeccionando documentos frente a camión de carga. Desarrollo - Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo - BID
'Salud Mesoamerica' Benefits 1.8 Million People, Strengthening Health Systems in Central America and Mexico
A regional health initiative administered by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) significantly improved maternal-neonatal and childcare for lower-income women, children, and adolescents across seven Central American countries and one Mexican state, according to an independent study released...
Achieving Greater Scale and Impact for IDB Initiatives in Central America, Panama and the Dominican Republic
TELA, Honduras - The city of Tela, Honduras, hosted the 38th Meeting of Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) governors from the countries of Central America, Panama, and the Dominican Republic, including finance and economy ministers from the region. The February 10 gathering is in the lead-up to...
IDB Supports Colombia in Advancing Its Integration into Global Value Chains
The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) approved a $600 million program to support Colombia's integration into global and regional value chains and boost its economic growth. The program is the second operation in a programmatic series launched in 2022, supporting a set of reforms aimed at...
Comercio: el rol de las cadenas de valor en los flujos comerciales

¿Te has preguntado cuántos países y empresas participan en la construcción de un avión de 300 pasajeros?

*Video only Available in Spanish

a map of the world Trade Trends Estimates Latin America and the Caribbean - 2023 Edition Q1 Update
a red boat in a dock Trade - Inter-American Development Bank - IDB Making the Invisible Visible: Investment Promotion and Multinational Production in Latin America and the Caribbean
a group of people wearing hard hats looking at a piece of paper Automatic Product Classification in International Trade: Machine Learning and Large Language Models
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