Project Name
Prohibited Practice(s)
The individual respondent, acting on behalf of a consortium, was found to have committed a fraudulent practice by submitting false bid securities in order to simulate compliance with the bidding requirements and obtain an economic benefit.
The individual respondent (the "Respondent") was the legal representative of a consortium that participated in an international competitive bidding process under the Water, Basic Sanitation, and Electrification Program for the Colombian Pacific Region as Part of the “Plan Todos Somos Pazcífico” (the "Program"). The Office of Institutional Integrity (the "OII") submitted a statement of charges and evidence against the Respondent for the alleged commission of a fraudulent practice related to the Program. OII alleged that the Respondent, acting on behalf of the consortium, submitted false bid securities in order to simulate compliance with the bidding requirements and obtain the economic benefit derived from signing the contract, receiving the advance payment, and saving the costs of obtaining the bid securities. Consequently, and in accordance with the Sanctions Procedures, the Sanctions Officer (the "SO") issued a notice of administrative action (the "Notice") against the Respondent. The Respondent did not submit a Response to the Notice.
The SO determined that it was more likely than not that the Respondent engaged in a fraudulent practice. As a result, the SO imposed a sanction of debarment for a period of eight (8) years. During that time, the Respondent will be ineligible to participate or be awarded contracts in projects or activities financed by the Bank Group. As aggravating factors, the SO considered that the Respondent's actions caused considerable economic losses, harm to public health and the environment, risks to the community, and damage the Bank Group's reputation.
In accordance with the Sanctions Procedures, the sanction imposed entered into force immediately, and the Bank provided notice of this declaration of ineligibility to the other Multilateral Development Banks that are a party to the Agreement for Mutual Enforcement of Debarment Decisions.