Find out more about our work in borrowing member countries by searching our projects database.
Project Number | Operation Number | Country | Sector | Title | Total Cost | Project Status | Approval Date |
RG-T3994 | ATN/OC-19071-RG | Regional | REFORM / MODERNIZATION OF THE STATE | Model for Strengthening the Institutional Capacities of the Security and Justice Sector to Respond to Human Trafficking in Latin America and the Caribbean with a Gender Perspective and a Digital Approach | 700,000.00 | Implementation | Dec. 9 2021 |
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The IDB provides financing to the public sector through sovereign guaranteed loans.
The Development Effectiveness Framework (DEF) is the tool the IDB uses to ensure that projects produce tangible and positive results for beneficiaries in our 26 borrowing members in Latin America and the Caribbean.
The Monthly Operational Summary (MOS) reports on the status of projects while they are in the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) lending pipeline.
Environmental (and Social) Impact Assessments (EIAs) are prepared for projects with potentially substantial environmental and social impacts. EIAs are made available to affected populations and local nongovernmental organizations by the borrower before the Bank conducts its Analysis Mission.
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