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Série de séminaires de recherche sur les politiques commerciales

Série de séminaires de recherche sur les politiques commerciales
a aerial view of a port

La série de séminaires de recherche sur les politiques commerciales de l'INT vise à créer un forum pour discuter des questions de politique commerciale pertinentes pour les pays d'Amérique latine et des Caraïbes, sur la base de recherches empiriques rigoureuses qui éclairent la conception des politiques et aident à comprendre leurs déterminants et leurs impacts économiques. Les présentateurs sont principalement des chercheurs invités. La participation est ouverte à toutes les parties intéressées.

Si vous avez des questions sur cette série de séminaires, veuillez contacter son coordinateur technique, Christian Volpe Martincus. Si vous souhaitez assister à l'un de ces séminaires, veuillez écrire un e-mail à María Víquez

Toutes les éditions du séminaire
DateSpeakerAffiliation Title
02/26Keith HeadThe University of British Columbia

Industrial policies for multi-stage production: The battle for battery-powered vehicles | REGISTER HERE

For in person attendance, please contact Ana León ( no later than 02/24.

Événement en anglais.

01/22Giulia Brancaccio New York UniversityInvestment in Infrastructure and Trade: The Case of Ports (Ce webinaire a été reporté).
DateSpeakerAffiliation Title 
12/10Pamela Medina QuispeUniversity of Toronto Scarborough and Rotman School of Management

Trade in Appliances, Household Production, and Labor Force Participation | REGISTER HERE

For in person attendance, please contact Ana León ( no later than 12/08.

Événement en anglais.

11/08Amit KhandelwalYale University

The Value of De Minimis Imports

Événement en anglais.

10/22Hâle UtarGrinell College

Trade War and Relocation of Global Value Chains

Événement en anglais.

10/08Andrei LevchenkoUniversity of Michigan

Superstars or Supervillains? Large Firms in the South Korean Growth Miracle
Andrei Levchenko, University of Michigan

Événement en anglais.


Productive Development Policies and Internationalization in the New Global Scenario

Événement en anglais.

06/20Alejandro GrazianoUniversity of Nottingham

Trade Disruptions along Supply Chains

Événement en anglais.

06/17Daniel TreflerUniversity of Toronto

The Impact of AI and Cross-Border Data Regulation on International Trade in Digital Services: A Large Language Model

Événement en anglais.


14th Annual Conference of the LACEA Trade, Integration and Growth Network (TIGN)

Événement en anglais.

04/14Andrea LaßmannJohannes Gutenberg University Mainz

Decomposing the Margins of Transfer Pricing

Événement en anglais.

03/14Ryan MonarchSyracuse University

Switching Costs and Export Promotion

Événement en anglais.

02/22Andrei LevchenkoUniversity of Michigan

Superstars or Supervillains? Large Firms in the South Korean Growth Miracle

This webinar was rescheduled for 10/31. 

Événement en anglais.

01/25Devaki Ghose World Bank

Fertilizer Import Bans, Agricultural Exports, and Welfare: Evidence from Sri Lanka

Événement en anglais.

DateSpeakerAffiliation Title 
12/07David AtkinMassachusetts Institute of TechnologyGlobalization and the Ladder of Development: Pushed to the Top or Held at the Bottom?
11/15Costas ArkolakisYale UniversityClean Growth
10/26Fernando LeiboviciFederal Reserve Bank of St. LouisNavigating the Waves of Global Shipping: Drivers and Aggregate Implications
09/07Sebastián SoteloUniversity of MichiganDeforestation: A Global and Dynamic Perspective
08/31Trang T. HoangFederal Reserve BoardExport Market Expansion, Labor-Market Power, and Labor Shares: Evidence from a Small Open Economy
07/20Cristina Tello-TrilloU.S. Census BureauTrade Liberalization and Labor-Market Outcomes: Evidence from U.S. Matched Employer-Employee Data
06/22Fariha KamalU.S. Census BureauThe U.S. Multinational Advantage during the 2008-2009 Financial Crisis: The Role of Services Trade
05/11Natalia RamondoBoston UniversityThe Carbon Footprint of Multinational Production
04/20 Felix Tintelnot The University of ChicagoForeign Demand Shocks to Production Networks: Firm Responses and Worker Impacts
03/09 Daniel Yi XuDuke UniversityTwo-Sided Search in International Markets 
02/23Robert W. StaigerDartmouth CollegeDoes Digital Trade Change the Purpose of a Trade Agreement 
01/27Martina Magli Ludwig Maximilians Universität MünchenModes of Trade in Services: A Firm-Level Analysis
DateSpeakerAffiliation Title 
01/27Martina Magli Ludwig Maximilians Universität MünchenModes of Trade in Services: A Firm-Level Analysis
12/02Paola ConconiUniversity of OxfordMultinational Ownership and Trade Participation 
11/18Pol AntràsHarvard UniversityGlobal Sourcing and Multinational Activity: A Unified Approach 
10/28Kerem CosarUnversity of VirginiaRegional, Sectoral and Aggregate Implications of Transportation Costs 
09/23 Ariel WeinbergerGeorge Washington UniversityQuality Misallocation, Trade, and Regulations 
08/29Peter EggerETH ZürichBackward Versus Forward Integration of Firms in Global Value Chains 
07/29Feodora TetiLudwig-Maximilians University30 Years of Trade Policy: Evidence from 5.7 Billion Tariffs
06/17Réka JuhászColumbia UniversityAll aboard: The effects of port development 
05/13Isabela ManeliciLondon School of EconomicsResponsible Sourcing? Theory and Evidence from Costa Rica 
04/15Teresa Fort Tuck School of Business, Dartmouth CollegeStructural Change Within Versus Across Firms: Evidence from the United States 
03/11Zuzana StudnickaUniversity College DublinGravity and trade in video on demand services 
02/18Anne-Celia Disdier Paris School of EconomicsDo Standards Improve the Quality of Traded Products? 
01/21Karen-Helene Ulltveit-Moe University of OsloTrade From Space: Shipping Networks and The Global Implications of Local Shocks 
DateSpeakerAffiliation Title 
12/10Beata JavorcikUniversity of OxfordCreation and Diffusion of Knowledge in the Multinational Firm 
11/23Jennifer PooleAmerican UniversityThe International Transmission of Gender Equality through Foreign Direct Investment
10/15Lionel FontagnéBank of France, CEPII and PSEEU in Search of a WTO - Compatible Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism 
09/24Farid FarrokhiPurdue UniversityCan Trade Policy Mitigate Climate Change? 
08/27Cecilia FielerYale UniversityO-Ring Production Network
07/02Woan Foong Wong University of Oregon"Entrepôt: Hubs, Scale, and Trade Cost" 
06/11Rocco MacchiavelloLondon School of EconomicsBuyer-Driven Upgrading in GVCs: Evidence from Colombia
05/07Andrea AriuUniversity of MilanService Imports, Workforce Composition, and Firm Performance: Evidence from Finnish Microdata
04/16Esteban Rossi HansbergPrinceton UniversityThe Economic Geography of Global Warming
03/05Maggie ChenGeorge Washington UniversitySearch and Information Frictions on Global E-Commerce Platforms
02/04Amit Khandelwal Columbia UniversityLanguage Barriers in MNCs and Knowledge Transfers 
01/21 Andrew BernardDartmouth CollegeHeterogeneous Globalization: Offshoring and Reorganization 
DateSpeakerAffiliation Title 



Aaron Flaaen


Federal Reserve Board of GovernorsThe Geography of Trade in Services: New Evidence from Credit Card Transactions 
10/30Masha BrussevichInternational Monetary FundForeign Sourcing and Missing FDI Spillovers
02/14 Fariha Kamal U.S. Census Bureau Rising import tariffs, falling export growth: when modern supply chains meet old-style protectionism
DateSpeakerAffiliation Title 
05/10Tim Schmidt-EisenlohrFederal Reserve Board of GovernorsTrade Credit and Markups
03/04Emanuel OrnelasFGV-SPThe Impact of Tariff Hikes on Firm Exports
DateSpeakerAffiliation Title 
11/30Wolfgang KellerUniversity of Colorado-BoulderInternational Joint Ventures and Internal vs. External Technology Transfer: Evidence from China
11/16Claudia SteinwenderMIT SloanSpinning the web: The impact of ICT on trade in intermediates and technology diffusion
10/05Natalia RamondoUCSDThe life-cycle dynamics of exporters and multinational firms
09/21Felix TintelnotUniversity of ChicagoTrade and Domestic Production Networks
06/29Eva Van LeemputFederal Reserve SystemA Passage to India: Quantifying Internal and External Barriers to Trade
05/11Sebnem Kalemli-OzcanUniversity of MarylandForeign Investment and Domestic Productivity: Identifying Knowledge Spillovers and Competition Effects
04/278th Washington Area International Trade Symposium (WAITS)Download the agenda here 
03/23Benjamin FaberUC BerkeleyE-Commerce Integration and Economic Development: Evidence from China
02/16Laura AlfaroHarvard Business SchoolOn the Direct and Indirect Real Effects of Credit Supply Shocks
01/12Ben HymanUniversity of PennsylvaniaCan Displaced Labor be Retrained? Evidence from
Quasi-Random Assignment to Trade Adjustment Assistance
12/08Amit KhandelwalColumbia UniversityMeasuring Spillovers from a Special Economic Zone:
Evidence from Myanmar
11/21Nathan NunnHarvard UniversityThe Effects of Fair Trade Certification: Evidence From Coffee Producers in Costa Rica
10/27Anna Maria MaydaGeorgetown UniversityChina's "Great Migration":
The impact of reduction in trade policy uncertainty
09/22Kala KrishnaPenn State UniversityTrade and Minimum Wages in General Equilibrium:
Theory and Evidence
08/25Tibor BesedesGeorgia TechExperimenting with Ash: The Trade Effects of Airspace Closures in the Aftermath of Eyjafjallajökull
06/16Kerem CosarUniversity of VirginiaShipping inside the Box: Containerization and Trade
05/26Keith MaskusU.S. State DepartmentIntellectual Property-Related Preferential Trade Agreements and the Composition of Trade
04/14Stephen YeaplePenn State UniversityOn the Relationship Between Quality and Productivity: Evidence from China's Accession to the WTO
03/31Stefania GarettoBoston UniversityLife-Cycle Dynamics and the Expansion Strategies of U.S. Multinational Firms



Carnegie Mellon UniversityMargins of Trade Adjustment in a Developing Country



Harvard UniversityThe Margins of Global Sourcing: Theory and Evidence from US Firms



Penn State UniversityTrade and Minimum Wages in General Equilibrium: Theory and a Natural Experiment
11/11Nina PavcnikDartmouth CollegeThe Effects of Trade Policy
10/07Roberto ÁlvarezUniversidad de ChileNatural Resources Exports and Education: Evidence from Chile  
09/23Ferdinando MonteGeorgetown UniversityThe Local Incidence of Trade Shocks
08/26Olga TimoshenkoGeorge Washington UniversityFirm Learning and Growth
07/29Tim Schmidt-EisenlohrFederal Reserve BoardInternational Transfer Pricing and Tax Avoidance: Evidence from the linked Tax-Trade Statistics in the UK
06/17Justin R. PierceFederal Reserve Board

Trade Policy and the

Structure of Supply Chains

05/06Luca David OpromollaBanco de Portugal

Productivity and Organization

in Portuguese Firms




Johns Hopkins University and CESIfo

Do Multinational Firms Transfer Culture? Evidence on Female

Employment in China

03/18Ricardo LópezInternational Business School, Brandeis University

Export Subsidies and Female Employment:

Evidence from Plant-Level Data

02/19Luciana JuvenalInternational Monetary FundQuality and the Great Trade Collapse
01/29Maria C. LatorreUniversidad Computense de Madrid

An Innovative CGE Assessment

of the Impact of the TTIP

Including Foreign Direct Investment

DateSpeakerAffiliation Title 
12/11Nikolas ZolasU.S. Census Bureau

How do Patents Shape Global Value Chains? International Patenting,

Value-Added Trade and Production Stages

11/20Maggie ChenGeorge Washington University

Reputation in Trade:

Evidence from Alibaba

10/09Georg SchaurUniversity of Tennessee

The Effect of Export Promotion on

Firm-Level Performance

08/25Mine Z. SensesJohns Hopkins UniversityImporting, Exporting, and Firm-Level Employment Volatility
07/06Fernando ParroFederal Reserve Board

The Impact of Trade on

Labor Market Dynamics

06/20Rodrigo WagnerUniversity of Chile, Tufts University and CID Harvard

Bad Neighbors:

Bordering Institutions Matter for

Comparative (Dis)Advantage




Federal Reserve BoardDiffusion of Containerization



Université de Lausanne

Big Hits in Exports:

Growing by Leaps and Bounds

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