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Politiques opérationnelles générales

Politiques opérationnelles générales

(disponible en anglais)

A group of people gathered talking. Procurement - Inter-American Development Bank - IDB
General Operational Policies

This chapter contains a general description of operational policies as well as the principles governing the access to information on Bank activities.

101 General Information

102 Access to Information and Guidelines

Operations Programing

This chapter presents how Bank operations are programmed.

201 The Country and Subregional Programming Process

202 The Bank's Operations Program

Lending Policies 

This chapter contains general guidelines for the Bank's lending operations.

301 Eligible Borrowers

302 Project Preparation, Evaluation and Approval

303 Guarantees Required from the Borrower

304 Operations Administration

305 ExPost Evaluation

306 Forms of Bank Financing and Assistance for the Mobilization of Financial Resources

307 Amount of Loan in Foreign Exchange

308 Financing of Interest

309 Global Loans to Intermediary Financial Institutions - Contributions by Subborrowers

310 Financing Increase of Cost Overruns for Operations in Execution

311 Eligible Expenditures in Investment Loans

Technical Cooperation Policies

This chapter contains general guidelines applicable to technical assistance operations financed by the Bank.

400 Technical Cooperation Policy

401 Framework for Technical Cooperation

402 TC Taxonomy and Forms of Financing

Procurement of goods and services

For the policies applicable to procuring goods and services financed in whole or in part with funds from Bank loans, please visit the Project Procurement policies web page.

Subregional financial institutions

This chapter contains general guidelines on the Bank's relationship with other institutions to support the development of the borrowing countries.

601 Relationship with Subregional Financial Institutions - General Policy

602 Cooperation with Other Sources of Financing


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