
Tacuarembó-Salto Green Transmission Line — Request II

Country: Uruguay

Reception date: November, 17 2022

Current Status: Open


2 residents of Paysandú, Uruguay, represented by 3 lawyers and advisors.


Summary of the Request

The Request describes potential harm to a critical cultural site derived from the construction of a transmission line.

According to the Requester, this poses a noncompliance with IDB policies related to cultural sites, since the design of the project harms a national monument, and its construction will damage the critical cultural site by breaking it in two parts. Furthermore, the Request cites an affectation to the scenery as 20 or more towers and a transmission line will be visible from the central area of the cultural site.

In addition, they allege a failure in identifying the critical cultural site as such, and in assessing and applying mitigation measures.



Recent actions

On January 2, 2023, the investigation panel was formed, made up of Kattya Araya, Phase Coordinator, Natasha Kate Ward and Alejandra María Valverse Barbosa as experts for the social component and cultural heritage. The investigation is expected to be completed in June 2024.


Past actions


On November 22, 2022, MICI notified the Requesters and IDB Invest Management of the registration of the Request.

On December 13, 2022, MICI determined that the Request was eligible because it met all the eligibility criteria established in the MICI Policy. This eligibility determination is not an evaluation of the merits of the Request or the issues contained therein.

The Request was transferred to the Consultation Phase by decision of the Requesters.


On February 22, 2023 MICI issued the Consultation Phase Assessment Report, finding that a dialogue process was not feasible. Pursuant to paragraph 29. B of the MICI Policy, the request will be transferred to the Compliance Review Phase.

The deadline for the elaboration of the Recommendation for a Compliance Review and Terms of Reference is March 23rd, 2023.

On March 22, 2023, the Executive Board approved an extension of the deadline for the preparation of the draft. The new deadline expired on March 31.

On March 31, 2023, the Compliance Review Phase shared the Draft Recommendation with Management and Requesters.

On April 24, 2023, the Board of Executive Directors approved an extension of the deadline to submit comments on the draft Recommendation for a Compliance Review and Terms of Reference. The new deadline will expire on May 4.

On August 7, 2023, MICI distributed the Recommendation for a Compliance Review and its Terms of Reference (TOR) to the Board of Executive Directors of the IIC for consideration by Short Procedure. On August 28, 2023, the Board approved the Recommendation to conduct a Compliance Review and ToR. The investigation is expected to last 6 months from the date on which the investigation panel is formed, which will be made up of the Compliance Phase Coordinator and two experts.


Project Number:


Environmental Category:


Project Name:

Tacuarembó-Salto Green Transmission Line



Project Type:

Loan Operation

IDB Invest Financing:

USD 164,068,000.00

Consultation Process
Recommendation for a CR and ToRs
CR Report


Consultation Phase (CP)

Compliance Review Phase (CRP)

Chronology and documents

Steps and milestonesDateRemarksDocuments


Request Receipt



Notice of Registration

2022-11-225 business days from the date of receipt of the Request or 15 business days when further information is required from the Requesters.


Management Response

2022-12-0821 business days from the date of notice of registration. The response will be published as an annex to the Eligibility Memorandum.


Eligibility due date

2023-01-2721 business days from the date of receipt of Management Response or 45 business days after the Suspension is granted. 


Eligibility Memorandum Public Disclosure

2023-01-03As per the Access to Information Policy (OP-102) the disclosure of this document is done simultaneous to its distribution to the Board of Executive Directors.
Consultation phase


Deadline for Assessment

2023-02-1540 business days from the date of issuance of the eligibility memorandum. 


Assessment Report Public Disclosure

2023-02-22As per the Access to Information Policy (OP-102) the disclosure of this document is done simultaneous to its distribution to the Board of Executive Directors.
Consultation Phase Closure


Transfer to Compliance Review Phase

Compliance review phase
Recommendation for a Compliance Review and Terms of Reference (ToRs)


Preparation of Draft Recommendation and ToRs due date

2023-03-3121 business days from the start date of the Compliance Review Phase. On March 22, 2023, the Executive Board approved an extension of the deadline for the preparation of the draft. The new deadline expired on March 31. 


Due date for receiving comments on Draft

2023-05-04Management and Requesters have 15 business days to submit their comments to the Draft. On April 24, 2023, the Executive Board approved an extension of the deadline to submit comments. The new deadline will expire on May 4.


Consideration by the Board of Executive Directors of the Recommendation and ToRs

2023-08-07Start date of Board consideration by short procedure


Decision by the Board of Executive Directors regarding the Recommendation



Date of integration of Panel



Expected completion date of Investigation / Issuance of Draft Compliance Review Report

2024-06-13The conclusion date of the investigation is set in accordance to the ToRs.