
Mexico - Mexico - Termoeléctrica del Golfo Project

Country: Mexico

Reception date: June, 27 2011

Current Status: Closed

Messrs. Ernesto Márquez Torres, Samuel Celio Martínez and Efraín Pozos Adrián, in representation of the Comisariado Ejidal del Ejildo Las Palmas del Municipio de Tumín, San Luis de Potosí, México

Summary of the Request

Ernesto Márquez Torres, Samuel Celio Martínez and Efraín Pozos Adrián in representation of the “Comisariado Ejidal del Ejido Las Palmas del Municipio de Tamuín, San Luís Potosí, México sent a Request outlining possible adverse impacts resulting from the construction and operation of two thermoelectric companies “Termoeléctrica del Golfo” (TEG) and “Termoeléctrica Peñoles” (TEP). The Independent Investigation Mechanism (IIM), the ICIM´s predecessor, had already undertaken an investigation in the past based on a Request presented on behalf of this community and had found no evidence of miscompliance. The new Request was submitted alleging new evidence of harm particularly linked with health and environmental negative impacts due to the use of pet coke for street paving by the thermoelectric companies. The Requesters also alleged that the thermoelectric companies might be discarding hot water in rivers Shoy and Tampaón which could potentially cause adverse environmental results to the area.

MICI actions

Based on the background presented and in compliance with the ICIM Policy, the Project Ombudsperson concluded that the arguments presented did not constitute evidence that could effectively tie the alleged actual impacts or risk to actions or omissions on the part of the IDB-financed Operation and declared the Request ineligible for the Consultation Phase in accordance with article 37 section (e) of the ICIM Policy.

The Requesters then asked to have their complaint transferred to the Compliance Review Panel. The Panel determined that the impact on potential health effects due to the use of pet coke for the road construction could not be considered new evidence for purposes of a Compliance Review mainly because the information had been presented in the original Request sent earlier to the IIM, which was duly analyzed at that time, and also because there was no new information on legal and technical standards in force at the time of project design and implementation, nor on the Bank´s supervision of the adherence to those standards. Based on this the Request was declared ineligible for a Compliance Review and the process closed.

Project Number:


Environmental Category:


Project Name:

Thermoelectrica del Golfo, S.A. de C.V.



Project Type:

Loan Operation

IDB Invest Financing:

USD 75,000,000.00

Steps and milestones Date Remarks Documents
Filing of Request


Request received by Executive Secretariat



June 27, 2011





Notice of registration of Request and transfer to the Consultation Phase



July 28, 2011

The document is available only in Spanish


Eligibility for the Consultation Phase


Eligibility due date



August 18, 2011

(15 business days from date of transfer to the Consultation Phase)



Issuance of Eligibility Memorandum



August 18, 2011

The Eligibility Memorandum is published after it is distributed to the Board of Executive Directors.



Eligibility memorandum distributed to the Board of Executive Directors



September 1, 2011



Closing of the Consultation Phase


File transferred to the Executive Secretariat


August 22, 2011



Compliance Review Intake


Notification received by Executive Secretariat indicating/ratifying Requester(s) desire to have a Compliance review by the Panel



June 27, 2011



Transfer Notice


Notice of transfer



August 24, 2011



Eligibility for the Compliance Review Phase


Eligibility due date



September 13, 2011

(15 business days from date of transfer to the Compliance Review Phase)



Eligibility revised due date



November 15, 2011




Issuance of Eligibility Memorandum



November 15, 2011

The Eligibility Memorandum is published after it is distributed to the Board of Executive Directors.



Eligibility Memorandum distributed to the Board of Executive Directors



December 6, 2011