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Mejorando Vidas

Inter-American Development Bank - IDB
Aldo Lima Santos in front of his house holding his bicycle - Urban Development - Inter-American Development Bank - IDB Cómo una Mejor Gestión Fiscal Condujo a la Renovación Urbana en Brasil

Aldo Lima Santos, un vecino del barrio del barrio Japãozinho, ya no tiene miedo a las inundaciones gracias a las obras que se han podido realizar en su municipio de Aracaju por una mejor gestión fiscal.

A person wearing headphones and using a laptop-IDB El Renacer Digital de los +50

Nunca somos demasiado mayores para reinventarnos. SilverTech es un programa de capacitación que ofrece a adultos mayores la oportunidad de explorar carreras en tecnología.

an-ice-cream-shop-for-puerto-villazon-2-IDB-innovation An Ice Cream Shop for Puerto Villazón

How Rural Electrification In Bolivia Has Become A New Source Of Income For Women

bilingual-and-multicultural-2-IDB-teacher-student Bilingual and Intercultural

Imagine your first day of school. You feel nervous and uncertain. Will I make friends? Will I miss my parents? Your friendly new teacher greets you, but you don't understand her.

Paraguayan-initiatives-1-IDB-Woman-on-Forest How one tweet set a young Paraguayan woman on a path to improving lives

In 2016, Verónica Berestovoy was a senior studying environmental engineering at the National University of Itapúa, in the Paraguayan heartland, when a tweet stopped her in her tracks. Little did she know that this tweet would launch her on a fascinating knowledge journey.

Suriname-initiatives-2-IDB-HackOmation In Suriname, the future of Technology is Female and FAB

The IDB promoted the added value of private sector activity in Suriname by improving the business climate and innovation, spurring knowledge in manufacturing and high-tech technological services.

Crafting-routes-curitiva-4-IDB-Innovation Crafting Safer and more Inclusive Routes in Curitiba

João knows every cracked sidewalk on his 9-mile trip to the building where he receives physiotherapy. Over the course of many journeys, he has memorized each irregularity, each dangerous intersection.

chicken-innovation-2-IDB-playing-children Chicken as an Innovation

Twenty centimeters. That is the average height difference between 19-year-old males born in Guatemala and the Netherlands, according to a recent study by the Imperial College of London.

graph of a black background with white dots. Entrepreneurship - Inter-American Development Bank - IDB The brazilian Entrepreneur who built a startup from ashes

It’s a startup created, literally, from ashes. From this waste, the Brazilian company Marina Tecnology is creating new materials that seek to make the chemical market sustainable, in addition to solving an ecological threat and creating jobs.

An X-ray of Latin American creativity

Since she was a child, Laia Barboza grew up surrounded by consoles such as Nintendo and Ataris in Maldonado, a city 130 kilometers east of Montevideo, the capital of Uruguay.

Better Spending, Better Lives

The region is aging. Latin America and the Caribbean is going through a demographic transition where women have fewer children, giving space to a veteran population that needs more (and better) medical coverage.

Building a 21st-Century Social Security Through Cell Phones

The reality of workers around the world has changed radically since the first social security schemes were developed in the 19th century.

Restoring Jamaica's Water Resources With the Help of Farmers

Nature thrives on Jamaica’s Blue and John Crow Mountains.

How Aviation Improved Cancer Patient Care

Some ten miles separate El Dorado airport from the National Cancer Institute (INC), on opposite sides of Bogotá, Colombia.

Combatting gender-based violence during the pandemic

Carmen, who requested a pseudonym to protect her identity, is a 38-year-old Honduran. She is also a five-year survivor of physical and psychological abuse by the father of her child.

What we take for granted

Basic energy, water and sanitation and transportation services are everyday necessities of consumers: their quality of life depends on their accessibility, quality and affordability.

The historic center of Paramaribo regains its splendor

In the heart of Suriname’s capital, the Paramaribo historic center is a storyteller.

a person in a white shirt Cómo un tuit motivó a una joven paraguaya a emprender el camino de mejorar vidas

A pesar de que América Latina y el Caribe cuenta con un tercio del agua potable del planeta, las dificultades hídricas en la región son cada vez más serias y las soluciones más urgentes.

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