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Euro-Latin Study Network on Integration and Trade (ELSNIT)

The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), through its Special Office in Europe (ORP-EUR), the Institute for the Integration of Latin America and the Caribbean -INTAL- in Buenos Aires and the Integration and Trade Sector, launched the Euro-Latin Study Network on Integration and Trade (ELSNIT).

This initiative creates a forum in Europe on regional integration and trade issues relevant to Latin America and the Caribbean. The main objectives of the Network are to generate research, studies and debate on these issues; draw on the rich European experience; and increase interaction between European and Latin American researchers.

Conférence ELSNIT

La 18e Conférence annuelle du Réseau euro-latin sur l'intégration et le commerce (ELSNIT) s'est tenue en ligne les  28 et 29 octobre 2021.

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Comité de restructuration

ELSNIT est coordonné par un comité de pilotage qui se compose actuellement du Centre d'Etudes Prospectives et d'Informations Internationales (CEPII), Paris, France, de l'Institut de Kiel pour l'économie mondiale (IfW), Kiel, Allemagne, de l'Institut universitaire européen (EUI), Florence, Italie, de l'Institut Barcelona d'Estudis Internacionals (IBEI), Barcelone, Espagne.  l'Université de Saint-Gall, Saint-Gall, Suisse ; le Centre BAFFI pour la recherche appliquée sur les marchés internationaux, les banques, la finance et la réglementation (BAFFI CAREFIN), Milan, Italie ; le Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR), Londres, Royaume-Uni, et la BID (représentée par l'INT et l'INTAL).




October 28-29, 2021 XVIII Annual Conference of the ELSNIT - Service Trade Online
October 23, 2019  XVII Annual Conference of the ELSNIT - Trade and Investment Promotion

Paris, France

October 25, 2018

XVI Annual Conference of the ELSNIT - Technology and Trade

St. Gallen, Switzerland
October 20, 2017

XV Annual Conference of the ELSNIT - Adjusting to Deeper Economic Integration

London, United Kingdom

October 21, 2016

XIV Annual Conference of the ELSNIT - Investment Agreements and Investment Promotion

Paris, France

October 23, 2015

XIII Annual Conference of the ELSNIT - Trade Facilitation

Kiel, Germany

October 17, 2014

XII Annual Conference of the ELSNIT - Fostering Regional Regulatory Integration

Milan, Italy

October 17, 2013

XI Annual Conference of the ELSNIT - Internationalization of SMEs

Barcelona, Spain

October 19, 2012

X Annual Conference of the ELSNIT - Trade and Climate Change

Milan, Italy

October 21, 2011

IX Annual Conference of the ELSNIT - Revisiting Regionalism

St. Gallen, Switzerland

October 15, 2010

VIII Annual Conference of the ELSNIT - Trade and the International Organization for Production

Paris, France

October 23, 2009

VII Annual Conference of the ELSNIT - Trade and Regional Disparities

Kiel, Germany

October 24, 2008

VI Annual Conference of the ELSNIT

Florence, Italy

October 26, 2007

V Annual Conference of the ELSNIT

Barcelona, Spain

October 20, 2006

IV Annual Conference of the ELSNIT

Paris, France

October 21, 2005

III Annual Conference of the ELSNIT

Kiel, Germany

October 29, 2004

II Annual Conference of the ELSNIT

Florence, Italy

November 06, 2003

I Annual Conference of the ELSNIT

Barcelona, Spain

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